This kind of self-talk is akin to “linguistic nutrition,” mitigating the stress that could be aroused from adverse circumstances facing advisors. Always remind yourself that your basic strategy works, regardless of the inevitable slings and arrows that go with the territory of being a trusted advisor. Stay with the plan,  and proactively prepare your clients for inevitable market challenges so they will not be surprised or frightened into making hasty, panic-driven decisions.

Incidentally, I’m sure you have experienced certain client personality types who cause you a lot of grief during challenging market conditions.  You will find a list of these “types” and what to do about them in my book, The Financial Advisor’s Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide, which you can order in the FA Mag Bookstore.

Here is your five-step game plan for becoming and remaining mentally tough:

Game Plan Step 1: Once you recognize the specific thoughts that have triggered your stress, you can stop those thoughts dead in their tracks. Put a loosely fitting, fat rubber band (Style #64) on your wrist. Write “CALM” on the rubber band with a Sharpie. Every time you catch yourself beginning a negative, self-defeating thought (such as, “What if I don’t know how to answer my client’s question?”), snap that rubber band, while telling yourself (with gusto) to “stop this silly thinking!”

Game Plan Step 2: Take a deep, calming breath, in through your nose slowly and deeply, holding it to the count of four, then exhale completely from your mouth, to the count of seven, pushing out every last bit of air. Visualize a balloon in your stomach filling as you inhale and deflating as you exhale. Repeat this a few times and you will quickly dissolve away anxiety and experience calming sensations.

Game Plan Step 3: Challenge every negative thought with questions, such as “Do I really have any evidence that what I’m afraid will happen, will actually happen or am I simply anticipating the worst?” Just because I have a scary thought doesn’t mean it has to play out that way. Why not visualize myself calmly handling this situation and see how relieved I will be when I accomplish that?”

Once you challenge your negative, pessimistic thoughts and change your thinking to more realistic ideas, you will recognize that most of your fears are just fabrications of the worst-case scenario and you really do have more control over your situation then you ever gave yourself credit for.

Game Plan Step 4: Repeat your personal identity statement, as in the example above.

Game Plan Step 5: You anchor this mental toughness routine by repeating the deep, calming breath, as in step #2.

Dr. Jack Singer is a professional psychologist, speaker and a success coach for financial advisors. He is the author of “ The Financial Advisor’s Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide,” which can be ordered in the FA Mag Bookstore, using this link: /book--ultimate-stress-mastery-guide. To learn more about Dr. Jack’s keynote speaking and exclusive coaching services for financial advisors and his unique, referral-generating program for your next client appreciation event, read more at