“AI comes in through the simple experience of distinguishing what’s going on in the world,” Stevenson says. “We have news, beta fundamentals, earnings estimates, external research, and we synthesize that and bring it into an easy-to-read snapshot giving you a view of what’s happening in the markets, and simplifying it for delivery to the clients.”

The AI allows the tool to go a step further -- each time ForwardLane is engaged, the system learns and remembers which pieces of information are the most useful to the advisor and the client, allowing it to more easily gather and deliver data the next time it is used.

ForwardLane has a number of applications, including the synthesis of insurance instrument filings and other product documents for a conversation tool to be used for wholesale distribution, addressing the reporting requirements in the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule and coordinating bespoke firm intelligence and fixed income manager data for sales question-and-answer platforms.

Stevenson hopes the tool will help advisors provide a higher level of advice to existing clients, and to scale their firms to serve a larger cross section of the investing public.

“Now our true focus is on the second tier of financial advisors, we want to help them with cognitive technology,” Stevenson says. “Ultimately, they’re the people who cna most benefit from ForwardLane by becoming more productive, covering more clients, and providing more services to existing clients.”

ForwardLane is currently engaged with ten banks across three continents, partnered with Thomson Reuters and Morningstar, and is reaching out to other analysts, banks and wealth managers.

Like the older generation of digital wealth management platforms, ForwardLane is designed with hopes of being a disruptor. Yet Stevenson, himself a quant, says it’s meant to complement and enhance the existing roles of investment researchers, not to replace them.

“This is where it gets really interesting, because it doesn’t eliminate the jobs of quants and product specialists, it scales their capabilities,” Stevenson says. “ForwardLane takes their intelligence and makes it more valuable because it’s scalable to more people. It’s reducing time to market for those insights. If the information’s time to market is cut down, it can give the entire firm a competitive advantage, you end up with more productive researchers and quants.”

But will standard roboadvisors, once thought to threaten the well-being of the financial advice industry, really have to make way for a new generation of AI-powered products?

Maybe not, says Stevenson.