Chadner Navarro

How Hotels Are Helping Their Neighbors Fight The Pandemic


Luxury hotels seek ways to attract tourists and help local communities at the same time.

These Five Great European Trips Combine Both Culture And Skiing


Pairing culture capitals or historical sites with the adrenaline of a few glorious days on the slopes is a travel twofer.

These Historic Portuguese Palaces Can Be Rented For A Regal Vacation


It may cost a pretty penny, but taking over one of these for a week could be the romantic getaway of a lifetime.

The Most Interesting Late-Night Room Service Around The World


It's hard to find hotels willing to feed you during the critical late-night hours between midnight and 6 a.m.

Move Over, Paris—Porto Is Europe's Hot New Shopping Capital


Portugal's so-called second city should rank first on your list when it comes to fashion and design.