Michelle Fay Cortez

Easier-To-Spread Covid Variant In U.S. Amps Up Vaccine Urgency

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Health officials say they don’t yet know how far the variant may already have traveled in the U.S.

Warning Signs Flash Ahead Of Covid’s Second U.S. Winter


The signs suggest there will be more deaths and serious illness ahead.

U.S. Officials Offer Conflicting Coronavirus Vaccine Timetables

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One official says every American could be able to get a shot by the end of March.

Health-Care Giants Signal Worst Virus Hits May Have Passed

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Though the pandemic continues, companies believe they're much better equipped to fight it now.

Male Birth Control Moves Closer As U.S. Tests Hormone Skin Gel


The experimental gel, applied to the back and shoulders, would be a major advance in contraception.

Spinal-Cord Implants To Numb Pain Emerge As Alternative To Pills


Studies show spinal-cord stimulators can reduce use of powerful pain drugs by 60 percent or more

Sophie's Choice For Oncologists: Who Gets New Life-Saving Drug

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A revolutionary treatment for cancer hits the U.S. market this year, but it can't be stockpiled.