Jeff Stimpson

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Clients Who Save During Retirement Still Can't Forget Taxes, Advisors Say


The challenge is keeping a retiree's taxable income as low as possible.

As Natural Disasters Strike, Advisors Put Focus On Tax Relief


There are limits to what taxpayers can deduct as property losses, advisors say.

As Gambling Activity Explodes, Advisors Caution Against Ignoring Taxes


Advisors warn that it doesn't take a lot of gambling winnings to trigger tax obligations.

Wealthy Non-Filers Should Come Clean As IRS Targets Them, Advisors Say


Running away from the issue will only make it worse, they say.

Older Clients' Charitable Vehicles Require Extra Tax Planning


You should make sure your clients are giving the right way for tax efficiency.

Tax-Loss Harvesting In Volatile Market All About Timing, Advisors Say


Deciding what and when to sell isn't always easy, they say.

Clients Must Consider Taxes Before Moving Overseas, Advisors Say


Becoming an expat doesn't mean you've escaped the jurisdiction of the IRS, they warn.

Using Roths For Older Clients Demands Deft Touch, Advisors Say


Roth IRAs are ideal tools for optimizing distributions tax-efficiently, they say.

Navigating The Jumbled World Of State Taxation


State tax laws are a hodgepodge of rules that don't always align with IRS codes, advisors warn.

Tax-Loss Harvesting In Volatile Market All About Timing, Advisors Say


Deciding what and when to sell isn't always easy, they say.

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