Bloomberg News

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Paulson Says He's Still Considering Move To Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico is the best place to minimize taxes, the hedge fund manager said.

Paulson Plans $1.5B Private Equity Fund For Troubled Debt


The fund will invest in companies going through bankruptcy, restructurings and in need of rescue financing.

Slave-Labor Loophole Closed By Senate After 8 Decades


The U.S. government will no longer turn a blind eye to companies that import goods derived from slavery.

Gold Rush Speeds Up As Fear Mounts


Investors are scooping up precious metals, Treasuries and money markets to cope with one of the worst starts of the year.

Have Millennials Made Quitting More Common?


More people are leaving their jobs, and disloyal young people may have something to do with that.

A Money Store Of Diamonds Grows, And So Do The Questions


One of the world’s largest jewelry companies is starting resemble a bank, analysts say.

Race Car Driver Nabbed In Payday-Loan Crackdown


The U.S. is attempting to seize at least $2 billion from Ferrari-driver Scott Tucker.

Can Investors Still Find Any Value In Value Investing?


The value premium has failed to show up in recent years.

Turmoil Drives Gold Up To One-Year High


The outlook for U.S. interest rates to stay low has boosted gold’s appeal.

Subprime Auto Loans Next Big Hedge Fund Short?


Auto lending terms have become looser and delinquencies are ticking higher.

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