Bloomberg News

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FBI Wields Mob, Insider Tactics As New Agents Hunt for Bribery


More agents. wiretaps and informants are being used in a push to infiltrate crooked trading rings.

Bill Miller's A Hedge-Fund Guy Now With A Funky Model


Miller's new hedge fund will make bets using a computer model designed to predict natural disasters.

Do Falling Markets Pose A Serious Threat To The Economy?


Bear markets usually come about nine months before recessions.

Munger Says Trump Isn't Morally Qualified For Presidency


Anyone who ran a casino shouldn't be president, Munger said.

Google Exec To Head Cancer-Detecting Startup


The start-up's goal is to create a blood test that can diagnose the disease very early.

Do Tax Preparers Know What They're Doing?


Pretty much anyone can charge a fee for doing your taxes, and it shows.

Want Your Own Version of Bitcoin? Hire This Guy


Jeff Garzik, one of the core developers of bitcoin, has a new startup modeled on his former employer, Red Hat.

Gold's Monkey Magic Seen Fading After Biggest Advance Since 1980


Gold will drop this month as Chinese consumers slow purchases that surged before the start of the Lunar New Year.

Student Debt Makes College More Expensive For Women


Women take years longer than men to pay off their student loans, a new study says.

Why Does The Government Pursue Student Debtors In Prison?


The Education Department has no policy in place to automatically halt loan collection during the time someone is incarcerated.

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