Michael R. Strain

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America's Frustrating Search For A Soft Economic Landing


Taming price pressures in the U.S. economy may require a mild downturn

The Myth Of The 1%


New research shows the belief that income inequality has risen sharply may be wrong.

Washington's Stimulus Triumph Remains Underrated


Hindsight shows that the Cares Act saved the U.S. economy, and how badly the country needs another round of bipartisan statesmanship.

Bidenomics Is A Populist Gridlock Buster. Uh-Oh.


Economic nationalism has bipartisan appeal. It’s also a threat to recovery and prosperity.

Good Economic News Is Coming And That’s Bad


Improving economic news shouldn't obfuscate the need for more stimulus and support.

Don't Cut the Payroll Tax. Just Send People Money


Here’s a better way to goose the coronavirus economy.

Yes, Men Can Still Support Their Families


It is perfectly possible to finance a middle-class life on one income.

Trump Hurts The Economy. Sanders Would Be Worse


Voters deserve better than a choice between damage that’s reversible and damage that might not be.

Wages Are Based More On Productivity, Less On Exploitation


Capitalism isn’t broken. This is how it’s supposed to work.

Give Thanks, Americans: You're Back To Work


Americans should be grateful that the economy has delivered them more jobs and slightly higher wages.

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