Matthew Boesler

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Fed Survey Shows U.S. Families' Finances Bolstered By Aid

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Fed Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday he believes more fiscal support will be needed.

Fed’s Evans Says Substantial Additional Fiscal Aid Critical


Without additional spending, the U.S. may not be able to sustain its economic recovery.

Yes, That Extra $600 Really Is Making Up For Lost U.S. Income


Expanded unemployment insurance has been successful in stabilizing household incomes.

Powell Urges Congress Not To Remove Fiscal Support Too Fast


The Fed chair also encouraged lawmakers to consider extending support for unemployed Americans.

Fed Sees Zero Rates Through 2022, Commits To Keep Buying Bonds

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As expected, the Fed said it will keep rates low and continue quantitative easing in the near term.

Fed Continues ETF Buying, Signals Muni Lending Facility Imminent


The Fed's weekly balance sheet update showed its holdings of ETFs continued to grow over the past week

Salaries Get Chopped For Many Americans Who Manage To Keep Jobs

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Pay cuts for Americans who’ve managed to hold onto their jobs may hobble the return to normal.

Powell Says Virus Poses Lasting Harm, More May Need To Be Done

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“The recovery may take some time to gather momentum," the Fed chairman said.

Fed Presidents Warn Business Failures May Create Lasting Damage

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Elsewhere, the three presidents said it’s unlikely the Fed will rely on negative interest rates anytime soon.

Fed Unveils Dramatic Measures To Ease Market Strain From Virus

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Treasuries resumed rising and stocks pared losses after the surprise announcement.

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