The bank is benefiting from rising interest rates that let it charge more for loans and a sizable base of deposits.
The bank is still facing a variety of regulatory and legal issues that have lingered from past scandals.
The company said it hopes to raise "tens of billions" in new investments.
Canada's second-largest bank is addressing its relative weakness in the capital-markets business.
Toronto-Dominion has staked much of its future on expanding its U.S. retail-banking business.
The deal would be Toronto-Dominion's largest acquisition ever.
The bank is now offering coverage for child daycare, elder care and fertility and reproductive treatments.
The U.S. economy gained 235,000 jobs last month, the smallest increase in seven months.
Can Power Corp. do for Wealthsimple what it did for Personal Capital?
An ever greater chunk of the economy is being devoted to housing.