Anne O. Krueger

America's Protectionist Policies Are Backfiring


Unilateral US tariffs and economic sanctions have only raised prices for American consumers.

A World Of Debt


The debt problem is most acute in low- and middle-income countries where debts were already too high before the pandemic.

The Open Secret To Reopening The Economy


The lesson from day one still holds: until the virus is defeated, there can be no return to normal.

Why The U.S.-China Trade War Could Re-Escalate


The "phase one" deal addresses only some U.S. concerns. Remaining demands will be much harder to resolve.

The Many Roots Of Puerto Rico's Crisis


The U.S. and Puerto Rico need to address structural issues that have been impeding economic growth and formal employment.

Mayday For American Protectionism


The Jones Act—which allows only American ships to transport goods between U.S. ports—is a drag on the national economy.

Trump's Protectionist Quagmire


His consideration of additional tariffs on imported automobiles should worry a wide range of U.S. industries.