Jill Ward

Wall Street Traders Stockpile Hedges As Goldman Urges Caution

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An outbreak of bad news is spurring cautious investors to double down on cross-asset hedges.

Currency Markets Warn Of Turbulence Ahead

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The correlation between the volatility of currency and equity markets has broken down.

Pandemic Is Last Nail In Globalization's Coffin, Says Carmen Reinhart


The blow against globalization will cut global growth, damaging developing countries reliant on exports, she said.

There’s A 250-Year Wait For The Economic Gender Gap To Close


Women's roles have been hit hardest by automation in areas such as retail, says the World Economic Forum.

Climate And Cyber Risks Top Concerns Facing The World In 2019


The World Economic Forum said climate change had leapfrogged to No. 2 on its list of world risks.