Craig Stirling

Roubini Sees ‘Crash' Danger As Zentner Wonders What Evil Lurks

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Turmoil presents new problems when existing ones remain unresolved, as Roubini explained.

Fifty Years Of Tax Cuts For Rich Didn't Trickle Down, Study Says


The paper found that such measures over the last 50 years did little to promote jobs or growth.

Stanford Economists Win Nobel Prize For Research On Auctions

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Paul Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson have had their ideas applied to sales of everything from aircraft landing slots to fishing quotas.

Economists War-Game Pandemic Threat To Global Growth

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A health crisis could be enough to wipe more than $1 trillion from global gross domestic product.

Global Inflation Prophets Wonder If This Year Is Different


While inflation has been missing, some investors believe 2020 is the year it returns.

Global Economy On Thin Ice With Frail Trio From China To Germany


Growth in the euro zone as a whole was just 0.2% in the third quarter.