David Grau Sr.

Top Four Bank Financing Tips For Advisor M&A Transactions


Here are the top four bank financing tips for independent advisors pursuing M&A.

Six Steps Sellers Of Independent Financial Advisors Should Take Before Signing The Deal Papers


Here are six important steps to take to boost the value of your business in the eyes of potential buyers.

Successful Continuity Planning: The Right Funding Source Can Make The Difference

by David Grau Sr.

Financial advisors and their designated successors can avoid many common pitfalls if they have a good plan in place should an owner suddenly depart the business.

Six Steps To Creating The Best Possible Continuity Plan

by David Grau Sr.

The biggest threat to independent firms with one primary advisor is what will happen if that person suddenly dies or is disabled, says this expert.

Revenue Sharing Vs. Equity: Beware Of 'Eat What You Kill'

by David Grau Sr.

Revenue sharing provides advisors in your firm with every incentive to leave the practice with "their" clients and undermines any effort to build a valuable business, says David Grau Sr...