Noah Smith

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Unforeseen Effects Of A 70 Percent Marginal Tax Rate: A Debate

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Bloomberg columnists disagree on how the proposed tax hike would impact the economy.

Venezuela Holds Lessons For American Socialists


The failure of Venezuelan socialism should inspire caution among Americans eager for reform.

U.S.-Japan '80s Trade War Holds Clues To China Spat


The ineffectiveness of U.S. policy in the 1980s may hold clues to the future of a trade war with China.

The Battle Over Monopoly Power Is Just Beginning


Anti-trust activists and economists are concerned about the growing power of mega-cap companies.

Student-Loan Debt Is Crushing Young Americans


Student loans now comprise about 45 percent of the federal government’s total financial assets.

Don't Expect Robots To Take Away Everyone’s Job


Nobody really knows how many jobs will be replaced by robots, or even what it means to be replaced.

Happiness Really Can Be Found in a Steady Paycheck


Given the risks of life in America, and the paucity of savings, consistent income is important.

A Cheap Way To Beat Poverty


The earned income tax credit is highly effective and should be expanded.

Saving The Planet Doesn’t Mean Killing Growth


Policymakers should seek balance between growth and sustainability, argues Noah Smith.

Bernie Sanders Picks Wrong Kind Of Fight With Amazon


The effort to force employers like Amazon to pay more taxes or more in wages seems like "a marketing stunt."

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