Editor's Note

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Learning From Clients

by Evan Simonoff

August is traditionally a slow month for most Americans, including many advisors, and I’m sure most of you deserve to take some hard-earned vacation time after four or five tough years.

RIA’s Model Rising

by Evan Simonoff

If anyone needed further evidence that the RIA business has emerged as the major force within the personal finance space, take a look at Financial Advisor’s eighth annual RIA survey...

Consolidation Is Happening

by Evan Simonoff

In next month’s issue, we’ll conduct our eighth annual RIA survey and you’ll get a picture of how much this profession is changing.

Commodities: A Game-Changer

by Evan Simonoff

For the financial markets, the big news early in the second quarter was the collapse of gold, which was down 15% in just two days.

Bigger Or Smarter: What Works?

by Evan Simonoff

In this month’s cover story, senior editor Eric Rasmussen profiles Jane Williams, who co-founded Sand Hill Global Advisors in Palo Alto, Calif., just about three decades ago...

Rearranging Relationships

by Evan Simonoff

This month I had an interesting experience interviewing advisors about the problems of retirees living beyond their means...

When The U.S. Becomes Florida

by Evan Simonoff

In only seven years, all of America will look exactly like Florida does today, at least on the age spectrum.

Contrarianism: Does It Pay?

by Evan Simonoff

Back in the 1980s, there was a famous Bronx borough president who kept a sign on his desk that read, “Crime doesn’t pay as well as politics.”

A Different Future

by Evan Simonoff

According to a report from the International Energy Agency last month, America is likely to become self-sufficient in energy by the end of the decade...

Looking For Sun


I asked my 88-year-old father recently how he thought the mood in the United States compared to what it seemed in other decades he remembered...

Two Controversies


Only 18 months after counseling investors that most fixed-income securities were unattractive investments and equities offered better potential returns, Pimco's Bill Gross reverted to pronouncing...

No 2008 Replay

It's hard to deny that events playing out over recent months have borne any eerie similarity to those of the first half of 2008...

The Great Divide


When the International Associa­tion For Financial Planning (IAFP) merged with the Institute Of Certified Financial Planners (ICFP) 12 years ago, members of both groups hoped the new...

A Bailout For Boomers?

Editor's Note

What A Reversal


In mid-February, I had the opportunity to listen to a conference call from the provocative DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach in which he drew many parallels between today's world and the...

A Warning For Advisors


On the eve of the worst financial crisis in 80 years back in 2006, what were the seers at our nation's central bank doing? The picture that appears in a series of recently released transcripts...

Through The Fog


Since the middle of the summer, financial advisors and their clients have been whipsawed by equity market volatility as they have gotten bombarded by a continual stream of negative news, most of it...

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