November 2002

Trouncing Adversity

by Raymond Fazzi

The most brutal bear market in 60 years hasn‚t stopped some advisors from growing.

The Inevitable Oil Crisis


Whatever happens in Iraq, the oil market is going producers‚ way.

How To Get Referrals From Trust And Estate Lawyers

by Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince

They are a largely untapped source that can help your business.

Interpreting The Economy

by J. Michael Martin

For our clients–and for ourselves.

Why Do You Do What You Do?

by Leo Pusateri

How to articulate your core business beliefs.

Dodging Some Bullets


Socially conscious funds avoided some, but not all, scandal-ridden companies.

A Great Parking Spot

by Alan Lavine

Advisors are putting cash in preferred stock funds to get higher yields.

A Longtime Coming

by Gregory Bresiger

A comeback for technology stocks gets deferred again.

The Awakening This Time

by Mark Hurley

Advisors are in demand, but business conditions put pressure on margins.

Who Will Buy Your Firm?

by Tracey Longo

What‚s selling, who‚s buying, and what they‚re doing right and wrong.

New Twists On Old Templates

by Joel P. Bruckenstein

Here‚s a look at some new and improved products.

More To Love-And To Hate

by Tracey Longo

Major advisor referral services are transforming themselves.

Conservation Easement Can Halt Forced Sales

by Eric L. Reiner

This strategy can help families save dramatically on estate taxes.

Survivorship Life And The "Sunset" Provision

by Joseph W. Maczuga

How to insure asset protection in an uncertain future.

Reality Hits Schwab And Advisors


Both are offering more services to meet consumer demand.

Normalcy Remains Elusive

by Raymond Fazzi

A successful conference, but memories of last year‚s canceled event lingered.

The Joys Of Junk

by Marla Brill

Don‚t expect a repeat performance of the early 1990s.

Teacher And Visionary

by Eva Marer

Sid Mittra dreams of uniting the ivory tower and the real world.

What's Going On Here?

by Mark Tibergien

Most practices are bending under the weight of too much overhead.

Advisor Emporium


Company Helps Advisors Evaluate Pay Structure American Century Investments has introduced...

Editor's Note


Learning To Cope I‚ve had it with all this Marine-style character building...

Frontline News


Survey Finds Americans Feel Unprotected, Cynical About Financial Institutions Clients who visit financial advisors may be more in need of a couch than a chair, judging by a new...

Letters to the Editor


More, Please, On Planners Who Have Balanced Lives This concerns your "Raising the Bar" column in the September 2002 issue of Financial Advisor and your statement, "There...