February 2004

  • The Road to Recovery

    With manufacturing expansion reaching a 20-year high in December and new jobless claims falling to a three-year low Christmas week, little doubt remains that the U.S... Read More

  • Professional Insights

    Editor‚s Note: The following column is excerpted from the authors‚ latest book, Wealth Management: The New Business Model for Financial Advisors. Read More

  • Advice & Trust

    Even though it currently resides in legal limbo after a court challenge, the "Do Not Call" legislation was prompted by telemarketers interrupting people who were working on deadline, eating dinner,... Read More

  • Profession In Motion

    Every profession experiences an evolutionary process that combines factors unique to its own development with others that are intrinsic to the life cycles of most professions. Read More

  • Mutual Funds Finally Start To Rebound

    Despite a rash of scandals and ongoing government investigations, the mutual fund industry and fund investors had reasons for cheer at the close of 2003. Read More

  • Facing The Confidence Crisis

    New York planner John Henry Low is a hard-liner when it comes to the burgeoning mutual fund malfeasance that started surfacing in 2003. Read More

  • The Great Laddering Debate

    http://fa-mag.com/articles/feb_2004_great.html Read More

The Road to Recovery

by Eric L. Reiner

With manufacturing expansion reaching a 20-year high in December and new jobless claims falling to a three-year low Christmas week, little doubt remains that the U.S...

Professional Insights

by Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince

Editor‚s Note: The following column is excerpted from the authors‚ latest book, Wealth Management: The New Business Model for Financial Advisors.

Advice & Trust

by Bill Bachrach

Even though it currently resides in legal limbo after a court challenge, the "Do Not Call" legislation was prompted by telemarketers interrupting people who were working on deadline, eating dinner,...

Profession In Motion

by Dan Sullivan

Every profession experiences an evolutionary process that combines factors unique to its own development with others that are intrinsic to the life cycles of most professions.

Mutual Funds Finally Start To Rebound

by Raymond Fazzi

Despite a rash of scandals and ongoing government investigations, the mutual fund industry and fund investors had reasons for cheer at the close of 2003.

Facing The Confidence Crisis

by Tracey Longo

New York planner John Henry Low is a hard-liner when it comes to the burgeoning mutual fund malfeasance that started surfacing in 2003.

The Great Laddering Debate

by Alan Lavine


The Other Side Of Hedge Funds


One might think the end of a three-year bear market would have short-circuited the hedge-fund boom–some call it bubble–in 2003. But it didn‚t happen.

The Alternative Alternative

by David J. Drucker

Here‚s a way for clients to participate in the nation‚s litigation boom.

Every Advisor Needs A Little Professional Symbiosis

by Bethany Carlson

The clever clownfish has the right idea–pick trustworthy and powerful colleagues...

Coming To America

by Gail Liberman

President Bush‚s proposal to grant temporary legal status to millions of undocumented workers employed in the United States may mean more advisors will be dealing with the financial needs of...

A Ten-Step Route To Financial Planning

by Raymond Fazzi

Clients can use Paul Lemon‚s book to map out a financial plan.

To Buy Or Not To Buy


Confusion and controversy continue to create concern among consumers considering long-term-care insurance, but more people are buying it and more advisors are discussing it with their clients.

Small Businesses Confused About Retirement Plans

by Tracey Longo

Small business owners are alarmingly unclear when it comes to understanding their retirement plan responsibilities and options, according to the findings of new research from the Small Business...

A Whole New Ballgame

by Joseph B. Darby III

Same-sex marriage ruling raises many questions, but answers few.

Prospectin Overseas

by Marla Brill

It‚s not that unusual when a fund manager leaves a large firm to set up his or her own shop...

Stature, Service, Size, Simplicity

by Sydney LeBlanc

Schwab, Fidelity and Waterhouse are building sophisticated SMA platforms.

What's In A Name?

by Russell Wild

The decision has been made. I‚m going out on my own. Yes, my own financial planning firm. I can see it now. Clients will flock to me from far and wide, seeking wise counsel...

Advisor Emporium


LPL Introduces New Online Portfolio Management System Linsco/Private Ledger (LPL) has introduced a new online portfolio management system, Portfolio...

Editor's Note


Keeping The Faith Dorothy Hinchcliff, Managing Editor Weary advisors who helped their clients survive the stock market war of the last three...

Frontline News


FPA Replaces McCallen With Tuttle In its third major organizational change in five months, the Financial Planning Association announced in early January that its...