June 2005

A Bad Idea For Clients

by Charles Haines and Cecil D. Bykerk

Higher reserves for universal life insurance will make it more expensive.

Monitor Of Direct Investment Industry Dies At 65

by FA Staff Report

Robert Stanger was a man who made a difference.

Regulatory Challenges Top Broker-Dealer Agenda

by Raymond Fazzi

As new rules pile up, so do the costs and the frustration.

A Great Challenge Facing Advisors And Their Clients

by Joel P. Bruckenstein

What role will technology play in providing a solution?

Thinking Outside The Managed Account Box

by Sydney LeBlanc

Is there a "Pepsi-Cola" ready to knock off the Cokes in this business?

Fishing For Fallen Angels

by Marla Brill

Putnam‚s David King shops for bargains among tarnished growth stocks.

VUL Sales Rebound After Prolonged Slowdown

by Raymond Fazzi

Companies hope that new features will overcome buyers‚ concerns.

The Rush To Dynasty Trusts

by Bruce W. Fraser

Seeking tax benefits now, and a legacy that can last for generations.

Insurance Companies Work Hedge Funds Into Their Act

by Eric L. Reiner

Private insurance contract + hedge funds = tax-efficiency.

Finding And Keeping Great Employees

by David L. Lawrence

Things to do–and to avoid–when it‚s time to grow your staff.

The Ethics Of Paying CPAs For Referrals

by David J. Drucker

Sure, you can pay CPAs for referrals, but is it right?

Filling The Gaps In E&O

by David J. Drucker

Should F.A. Legal be part of your firm‚s defense strategy?

A Practice You Can Live With

by Roy Diliberto and Mitch Anthony

Don‚t let your business become your master.

Avoiding Redemption Fees In 401(k) Plans

by Darwin K. Abrahamson

Watch out: More funds are introducing them.

When Less Means More

by Jim Wiandt

Index fund fee war kicks off in earnest as actively managed fees rise.

Unlisted REITs Face Investment Challenges

by Marla Brill

Is a slowing of interest just a pause, or something more?

Market-Neutral Funds For Sideways Markets

by Alan Lavine

But inconsistent past performance means advisors must proceed with caution.

The Retirement Boom


Symposium hears of scenarios, solutions, for the coming boomer retirees.

Stairway To Heaven

by Mitch Anthony

The opposite of your recommendations may be what's best for clients to reach financial nivana.

Letting Go

by Timothy Kochis

Helping clients overcome financial and emotional barriers to diversifying concentrated stock positions.

Evensky vs. Evensky

by Harold Evensky

Variable annuities–good or evil?

Addressing Value Challenges

by Leo J. Pusateri

Respond with confidence; restate your worth.

Preserving Client Relationships In Down Markets

by Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince

Communicate early and often to keep clients happy.

Advisor Emporium


National Financial To Introduce Managed Account Platform National Financial will offer correspondent broker-dealers and their investment representatives...

Editor's Note


 Post-Bubble Reality Sometimes an article comes along that is so well written that you are...

Frontline News


Advisors May Be Selling Their Own Firms Short If merger mania isn't sweeping the financial advisory business, interest in it is...

Letters to the Editor


Never Going Back I read your article [Will You Buy An Apple?] in the April Financial Advisor about using Mac‚s for financial planning and felt...