October 2005

Practice Management: What The Survey Doesn't Say

by Chris Radford

Executive takes issue with findings on broker-dealers.

No-Cost Retirement Planning Software

by Joel Bruckenstein

A look at Oppenheimer software; an update on Skill Weighted Portfolio.

The Billion-Dollar Equation

by Sydney LeBlanc

Skill, service plus separate accounts are key for advisors managing a billion.

No Homeruns This Year

by Marla Brill

Manager Tim Rabe thinks junk bonds will return about 5% in 2005.

Health Savings Accounts: To Have And To Hold

by Susan W. O’Donnell and Sean Maher

HSAs help tackle medical costs and may offer tax-free savings.

Mining The 1040

by Jeffrey Rattiner

Using the tax form to prospect for client needs.

Year-End Tax Planning? Think AMT

by Eric L. Reiner

Knowledgeable advisors can cut their clients‚ tax bills.

What To Do When A Will Contest Is Brewing

by Charles Avalli

Advisors can be caught in the middle when family disputes erupt.

Rethinking That Beachfront Property


Do clients have the energy to deal with coastal property?

Where Family Counts


This planning firm gets strength from being a family enterprise.

The Parent Care Solution

by David J. Drucker

Is it an elder-care strategy or a client retention strategy?

Documents That Make A Difference

by Bruce W. Fraser

What they are and why you need them.

An Efficient Financial Plan Production Process

by David L. Lawrence

The right software reduces work while making documents look better.

The New Frontierior

by Mitch Anthony

Getting to the right side of the advisory business.

Baby Boomers-The Next Chapter

by David J. Drucker

Will fee structures change as more boomers retire?

Expect The Unexpected In Retirement Planning

by Gregory Bresiger

When is it safe to tell clients that they can retire?

Recreating The Paycheck

by David J. Drucker

How to help clients transition from earning money to taking distributions.

Why Bonds Keep Beating The Odds

by Marla Brill

Mixed economic signals are allowing bonds to defy expectations.

Tech Stocks: Down So Long That They Look Up

by Alan Lavine

Managers say that careful selection may yield good buys.

Shorting ETFs Gets Sold Short

There are advantages to be had, but few advisors jump in.

Is Risk Really A Four Letter Word?

by David Reilly

We can finally fulfill MPT‚s risk-management promise.

Small Caps Look To Extend Streak

by Raymond Fazzi

They are in a tight race to extend their five-year run over large caps.

Beyond Numbers

by By: Tracey Longo

As Homrich & Berg Crosses The $1 Billion Mark, Fixing Things Aren't Broken Is The Key To More Growth

The Real Value Audit

by Giles Kavanagh

Do you give your clients a Motel 6 or a Ritz Carlton experience?

Understanding The Middle-Class Millionaire

by Hannah Shaw Grove and Russ Alan Prince

Financial advisors sometimes misread the concerns of these clients.

Advisor Emporium


MassMutual Expands Disability Insurance For Highest Earners Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) has introduced Radius Executive...

Editor's Note



Frontline News


Advisors Help Colleagues Affected By Katrina Just as they did after the September 11 attacks, advisors are rallying to provide pro bono...