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These Companies Have Grown Over 2,000% Since The Financial Crisis


Investors struck gold if they picked one of these 11 stocks at the crisis bottom.

Don't Say That! Clean Up Your Jargon To Better Serve Clients


Advisors must watch their language if they want to create the best opportunities for client success.

Customers Name Most Trusted Financial Firms


SunTrust and USAA rank high for earning customers’ trust, according to a Hearts & Wallets study.

Wow! Robots Taught End of Quarter Window Dressing.


FintekNews does a daily analysis of the overall market and the KBW Nasdaq KFTX Fintech Index including the 50 stocks which comprise the index

Gold Blah Down. Bitcoin Blah Up.


(3/28/17) FintekNews does a daily analysis of bitcoin vs gold and makes market recommendations on both relative to one another

Artificial Intelligence Just Tapped Human Memory


FintekNews is reporting that the Google artificial intelligence team DeepMind has made further progress testing artificial intelligence vs the human mind

Chinese Fintech Firm Invests Nearly $2B in Tesla


FintekNews is reporting that Chinese tech behemoth Tencent, which also has fintech holdings, has invested $1.8B with Elon Musk's firm Tesla

Silicon Valley Startups Want an IPO


FintekNews is reporting that most Silicon Valley startups now prefer to explore IPOs rather than M&A Deals, which were previously their most desired exit

Square Dancin' Over to the UK


FintekNews is reporting that payments behemoth Square is expanding to the UK with a look to grow beyond the US, according to CEO Jack Dempsey

Gross's War Against Pimco Ends With Public Feel-Good Moment


Bill Gross and the firm he founded finally rid themselves of the dark cloud that remained from his departure.

What Trump And Ryan Can Learn From Mandela


Nelson Mandela was a leader who understood the hardest complexities of the transition from opposition to governing.

Investors Will Pay For Fiduciary-Rule Delay

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Many financial advisers operate under a quasi-fraudulent framework, which the rule is designed to do away with.

Securities-Fraud Clash Will Get U.S. Supreme Court Scrutiny


The court will enter into the debate over investors' ability to sue companies for limiting disclosure information.

Ten Ways To Get a Good Return on Cash (Stocks Not Included)


From converting to a Roth, paying off high-interest debt, to hiring a financial advisor, the options are plenty.

Is Obamacare Exploding? Nope. But There Are Some Rough Spots


The program is working well in some areas of the nation, and struggling in others.

Retail Rush To U.S. Stocks Not Everyone's Idea Of Euphoric News


The post-election rally has been sustained by individual investors. Professional investors see that as a dangerous sign.

Can Taxpayers Avoid Obamacare Penalties Under Trump?


New IRS rules allow a risky, "silent" protest of the Affordable Care Act.

Salesforce Harnesses 'Einstein' To Enhance Client Relationships


Salesforce is applying artificial intelligence to advisors' client relationship management.

United Capital's Digital Platform Surges Past $3 Billion AUM


United Capital's FinLife Partners digital planning platform has exceeded $3 billion in AUM.

Institutional Money Market Funds Drying Up, Treasurers Group Says


Money has been leaving the funds since the implementation of new SEC rules in October, a corporate treasurers group says.