The job of the financial advisor is stressful. The stock market is unpredictable. You make recommendations to clients, not knowing how they will perform the next day. You cultivate prospects to the point of making a decision. Some do, others vanish. You may have a complex manager or sales manager who feels your best efforts are not enough. You imagine them saying: “What have you done for me lately?” It is easy to get fatigued. What can you do?
1. Call your coach. The best athletes give everything they have got when they are on the field. They also work out in the gym and practice. However, they also work with an expert whose objective is to make them even better. You might have already hired a coach. You have scheduled times you work together. They take you through exercises that seem like common sense, but you have not done them for years. You may be able to call them when you need some uplift.
2. Phone a friend. You know other advisors in other offices in other parts of the country. They are not direct competitors. They are under the same stresses, yet they might have an idea or product that is working in their environment at this time. You might have met at a conference. Text or e-mail. See if they have time to talk.
3. Go to the gym. You have been exercising your brain. How about taking a break and exercising a different part of your body? This is ideal if the gym you joined is in the same building as your office. Exercise can clear your head. You will see other people, not employed in the same industry. You can talk about different subjects when resting between sets. Exercise relieves stress.
4. Gardening. Maybe you have embraced the work-from-home culture. You have set up a home office and keep office hours. Your family pretends you have driven to work and does not bug you. You still get stressed. Assuming it is not raining, change into work clothes and spend some time working on an outdoor project. Gardening releases stress too.
5. Do another activity. Perhaps talking with clients or prospecting is not going well. Change your routine. You have plenty of other activities on your schedule that don’t involve conversations. This might include social media marketing, sending e-mails or doing research. Choose a different activity that needs a different type of focus.
6. Go out for lunch. A change of scenery can work wonders. It is spring. The weather is improving. Spring is a time for new growth and optimism. Leave the office. Get away from the declining market or making frustrating phone calls. Head out to a good place for lunch, someplace you might see familiar faces or rub shoulders with people you would like to get to know.
7. Visit a client at work. OK, it’s not lunchtime. You have client portfolio reviews on the schedule. You have research you said you would deliver. How about calling a client, confirming they are available and heading over? They will likely introduce you around, because having an advisor who makes house calls is pretty impressive.
8. Walk around the block. This is a simple solution. This is not running around the block or limiting yourself to one block. Get outside the office, enjoy the nice, spring weather. Breathe in fresh air. Research shows walking reduces stress and can improve your mood. Assuming you are in an urban area, pay attention to what you see. Any new businesses opening? Do you see any new construction projects? Make a note to think about how these might lead to business down the road.
9. Do you have a mentor? We started by calling your coach. Not all advisors have coaches. Many have an informal relationship with an upbeat, experienced advisor in the office. If you are having a frustrating day, let them know. Do they have time to talk? Make a list of what is on your mind. Put your frustrations into words. You might feel better just getting the words out. They have likely been through the same situation before. They can tell you how they reached the other side.
10. Plan for the next day. Sometimes fatigue happens at the end of the day. Try to always plan the next day before you leave the office. Everything is fresh in your mind. Hopefully you keep a business journal too. Write down what went well. What did not. Putting thoughts on paper can relieve stress. You are no longer “bottling things up.”
Winston Churchill is thought to have said: “If you are going through Hell, keep going.” We have all heard the Will Rogers expression, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Take positive actions to relieve fatigue and reduce stress.
Bryce Sanders is president of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc. He provides HNW client acquisition training for the financial services industry. His book Captivating the Wealthy Investor is available on Amazon.