3. Discuss the wedding ceremony's return on investment.

Weddings have the potential to be quite expensive, so you should make this big financial decision together. Do a cost benefit analysis to determine what type of wedding you want. As a couple, you need to decide if the resources earmarked for the big day could be better utilized for the down payment on a new home or the reduction of student loan debt. Understanding that weddings are overpriced, you need to decide how much you’re willing to overpay. Destination weddings often provide the couple a lower cost option, by naturally eliminating prospective attendees unwilling to pay the cost to travel.

4. Your place or mine?

One of your most important early decisions as a couple will be where to live. Your first home as a new family can be a source of joyous memories or relentless tensions, so take the time to discuss candidly and choose well. If you’ve both been on your own, you may need more space or just want to make a fresh start. Talk about what you can comfortably afford that is convenient to work for both of you and what fits for the lifestyle you want to have together.