As far as the relationship with the press, Lewis said, “The better the relationship, the more opportunity you will have long term.” If the reporter sees you as a resource, they might reach out to you for story ideas, to flesh out an existing piece and more.

Lewis believes creating relationships is gold. “There is an opportunity for financial planners. The better the relationships, the more opportunity you are going to get,” he said.

4. Be authentic. Lewis sees that too often people put their guard up with the press.  He believes it should be less of an interview and more about a conversation. “The more authentic, the more genuine is sounds,” said Lewis.

By being conversational, interviews typically become more educational and more enlightening. This can help reporters that might not have the same level of knowledge.

“When I talk to planners about this, I see the light switch go off. It helps them deliver a more impactful message,” said Lewis.

5. Represent more than yourself. Lewis wants all FPA members to be a steward of financial planning. He said, “Our primary function is to elevate the profession. We need to enlist all financial planners to educate the media.” 

Planners should be able to explain what is actual financial planning and show that it is a real profession that transforms lives.

He wants all those talking with the press to always interject:

• What is financial planning

• The role