To build trust, the most successful financial professionals ditch the clichés in favor of original content that speaks to the quality of service they provide and the pain points they relieve. They know their value propositions are unique to their business and not something that can be ripped off a competitor’s site or deferred to some churn-and-burn marketing consultant.

Why did your clients choose you? Why do they refer you to their friends and family?

Cut the clichés and tell people who you are, why they should trust you and how they can set up an initial consultation.

Problem #3: Mobile Ignorance

It’s projected that by the end of 2017, more than half of web traffic will come from people on their smartphones.

For a while, companies were luring financial pros into investing big money into out-of-the-box mobile apps. These were supposed to help engage clients by making it easier to push messages to them.

But often these apps were built without a clear strategy or maintenance plan, resulting in “buggy” interfaces and a poor user experience. Plus, clients rarely used them.

Instead of trying to keep up with the latest app trends, invest in a mobile-responsive website and tools that allow you to send appointment reminders and other client messages via SMS messaging. These are a lot cheaper and, when it comes to building trust, much higher value.

Problem #4: Fixation on Old Fame

You were featured in a highly regarded magazine. That’s great! But if it happened five years ago, it’s time to replace that image with something more current—even if your face graces the front cover.