And that photo of you shaking the hand of some quasi-celebrity at an industry event? That should have never been on your website in the first place (social media streams may be a better place to bubble-up chance encounters and fleeting interactions).

Successful advisors build trust by showing potential clients what it’s like to do business with them. Two quick and easy ways to do that: (1) Invest in original photography and video that shows you working in your office with your team and/or smiling clients. (2) Replace old press features and advertorials with real thought leadership that addresses real client issues.

While having a news page on your site can add to your credibility, you’ll earn more trust by showing prospective clients that your focus revolves around serving your clients than by hobnobbing with politicians or trying to prove you’re some kind of industry star.

Problem #5: Exploiting Reciprocity

Remember when all the social media gurus were preaching about the power of reciprocity? They said in order to generate results online you had to give before you could receive. In many ways that’s still true. But when someone does something only in the hopes of getting something in return—for example, complimenting someone’s LinkedIn profile and then launching into a sales pitch as soon as their invitation to connect is accepted—consumers will see through it immediately.

While successful advisors may still embrace the law of (true) reciprocity, they also practice the law of authenticity.

In a recent study by the Boston Consulting Group, customers said authenticity was a top quality in attracting them to a brand. Another study showed honesty was more important to consumers than a brand’s ability to provide quality customer care. Yet another study shows that consumers are more likely to stay loyal to a company that comes across as authentic.

The most successful financial professionals know the best way to build trust with potential clients is by being true to themselves, true to their businesses and true to their clientele.

It may take more work to create good custom content, communicate a truly unique value proposition, incorporate the right mobile tools, let go of egotistical chest thumbing, and demonstrate honest motive with an authentic flare, but the benefits are undeniable and will accrue over time.

As a MarTech entrepreneur and marketing consultant, Robert Sofia has served over 1,000 companies since 2005. On average, for the past 13 years, Robert's work has driven annual growth of over 600 percent per year for the organizations he has operated or supported. He is currently working on new innovations for the financial services industry as co-founder and CEO of Snappy Kraken, an award-winning MarTech company established in 2016.