These examples remind us that “failure” isn’t failure when it imparts lessons that make the entrepreneur smarter and hungrier than ever.

Being undaunted by the prospect of set-backs means you have what it takes to face the unknown in the form of uncertain outcomes. And it means you can handle the risk of reputational damage that can come with business failure.

If you still feel shaky in the face of potential failure, seeking out fresh perspectives can help you tap into your innate resilience. Force yourself out of your bubble. Do things you never would have tried. Talk to people you might never have thought to approach. Read, hear and see new things. Volunteer and help people in need so you can grasp how lucky you are, with or without a few business worries.

The testimonials of those who have burst out of their comfort zones in like fashion tell of the profound benefits of initial discomfort. Challenge your assumptions, and tackle your prejudices, these Samaritans tell us, and you’ll emerge more receptive to valuable and lasting insights on your personal and business life.

Sometimes we need to blow out the cobwebs by doing something different, something exciting, something drastic even. When starting and running a business your mind must be clear and focused. If it’s not, consider the mind-expanding potential of deliberately seeking out [positive new experiences]( "10 Reasons To Go Independent").

And if you’re really in a funk, it may be worth mentioning to your doctor. You may suffer from depression or anxiety, and those are medically treatable conditions. Your business can only benefit from your having a stronger understanding of yourself.

Revise Your Strategy

It can be expensive to get a business up and running, especially at first. Breaking even is the first big goal, but it’s still going to be all about the numbers until you get that business to the level of success where the practice is (to some rough extent) self-sustaining.

To keep you focused, it can help to review your strategy frequently — and to do so pretty intensely.

You need 20 clients at $5000 a year to rake in $100,000. OK, bam: goal set.