Americans pay close attention to their money, but discussing personal finance with friends is off limits, according to a survey by eMoney.
The survey also found that more than one-third of Americans are not comfortable seeking professional advice. In fact, 63% have never consulted with a financial advisor. And of those who seek out an advisor, 30% said they hide information about their spending habits.
The survey of 2,500 U.S. adults found that 47% review their personal finances daily, but talking about it is difficult. Nearly half, 43%, report feeling stressed, embarrassed or confused when talking about their personal finances, and 20% never talk about money with other people.
"Bank account" was the top response for the personal finance topic respondents feel least comfortable discussing. Salary was next at 22%, followed by credit card debt. Retirement and investment choice tied for fourth at 9% and student loan followed at 8%.
The survey report said that the reluctance to talk about money may be related to economic conditions impacting American’s ability to save. One-third of respondents indicated that they live paycheck by paycheck, and a majority of respondents do not seek professional help, the report said.
Respondents indicated that they most rely on parents or family members for advice (37%), while 30% said they rely on their spouse and 22% said they rely on a financial advisor.
“The reality is many Americans are struggling to find financial security and properly plan for the future," eMoney CEO Ed O’Brien said in a prepared statement. "It’s a burden we’re seeing more people take on independently instead of honestly talking to friends or family or seeking professional help.”