Commonwealth Offers Retirement Plans For Small Businesses

Commonwealth Financial Network has launched Commonwealth (K), a full-service group of retirement plan products for small business owners.

Commonwealth (K) products come with multi-managed fund lineups, competitive pricing and no front-end loads. The platform includes four plan types: an individual 401(k), an individual defined benefit plan, a micro 401(k) and a traditional 401(k).

Each plan type has no proprietary requirements and is available in both single and multi-fund platforms. Commonwealth representatives are able to choose from any fund family that is available through Commonwealth. In addition, the new suite of 401(k) products comes with a number of features, including daily valuations, 24-hour automated telephone access, live customer support, Web access for all parties involved, and administration.

Commonwealth, based in Waltham, Mass., partnered with Pension Administrators Inc. to create the platform. Commonwealth provides its representatives with assistance in enrollment procedures, plan design proposals and fund monitoring. Pension Administrators provides recordkeeping.

For more information on Commonwealth, visit

NewRiver Launches FundPOINT Desktop

NewRiver Inc. of Andover, Mass., is offering FundPOINT Desktop, a Web-based point-of-sale tool that gives financial advisors real-time access to the most compliant, fully auditable mutual fund processing rules sourced directly from the Security and Exchange Commission's EDGAR system.

FundPOINT Desktop provides mutual fund data and prospectuses through a Web-based tool that resides on advisors‚ desktops. For additional questions or to request a demo, please call 1-800-888-4646 or e-mail [email protected].

Bear, Stearns System For Advisors

Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc., based in New York, is offering a new investment performance measurement and reporting system to investment advisor clients at Bear Stearns Global Clearing Services.

Investment Scorecard Inc. of Nashville, Tenn., developed the proprietary technology, available through Bear Stearns' advisor workstation.

Visit for more information about Bear Stearns & Co.

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