How to help clients transition from earning money to taking distributions.
It may entail just a few minor account adjustments
to you, but clients who've accepted their final paycheck and are now
looking to their portfolios for income may be less than calm,
particularly if their only guaranteed income is Social Security.
This discomfort is somewhat a function of the
proportion of retirement assets the client has been able to accumulate
in the form of lifetime annuities, such as guaranteed payments from
financially sound government or private employer defined benefit plans,
or in dividend-paying stocks, mutual funds and bonds, as opposed to
balances accumulated in IRAs and defined contribution plans. The
latter, of course, carry no guarantees and must be managed by the
client or an advisor both to produce required returns and required cash.
I remember clients of my own on the edge of
retirement-a husband and wife-both professionals who'd reached
upper-management positions with an educational institution and a state
government, respectively. Yet, aside from several smallish 403(b) plans
and IRAs, all their money was tied up in taxable accounts. It took two
years of meetings reviewing retirement projection "what-ifs," new
investment strategy options and even post-retirement business
opportunities before they could agree they were ready to take the
plunge. Today, these clients live on a combination of portfolio
distributions and income from a successful business providing Italian
villa rentals to overseas travelers.
Says Derrick Kinney, a senior financial advisor with
Ameriprise Financial in Arlington, Texas, and the best-selling author
of Master the Media to Attract Your Ideal Clients: A Personal Marketing
System for Financial Professionals (John Wiley & Sons, 2004), "Most
clients have a pretty good understanding of contributing to their
retirement accounts, but they are very confused about the best ways to
pull money out of those accounts. I meet with clients every quarter
because educating them about this transition gives them confidence and
a greater comfort about their retirement."
So does having a strategic plan. Advisors find that
when they can show clients a clear methodology for replacing the
paycheck with certain cash flows based upon rational portfolio design,
investment and cash distribution strategies, clients begin to relax.
Kinney's own system goes something like this: "I might use a
'carve-out' strategy with a client. That's where we park six to 12
months of income needs in a cash account that is then direct-deposited
into their checking account like a paycheck. The remainder of the
portfolio is invested in four or five other categories that might
include preferred stock, immediate annuities (if not leaving money to
the kids), private placement REITs, Diamonds or ETFs. Then, twice a
year, we 'harvest' the dividends from these investments and move them
into the cash account to be used in replenishing the client's checking
When he meets with his clients to describe this concept, says Kinney,
"Their eyes seem to light up as they begin to understand how they'll
move from accumulating to accessing their hard-earned money."
Obviously, each client requires a little different
strategy. Kinney says he's found that baby boomers are perhaps the most
sensitive to the need to simulate a paycheck, and they may want two to
three years of income needs in a cash account. "All clients want to
know they're not going to outlive their income, but some place equal
importance on knowing the source of the money they're going to receive
every two weeks in retirement," adds Kinney. "Clients sometimes think
they have to take as income whatever their portfolio will provide [in
the way of interest and dividends]. A big grin comes on their faces
when I show them they can take a predictable amount each month."
Every advisor who's dealt with this planning
scenario seems to have his own system for recreating the paycheck; that
is, there's no one accepted methodology within the profession, but lots
of good systems to fit your particular client. Tony Proctor of Proctor
Financial in Wellesley, Mass., uses what he calls his "time-weighted
cash flow methodology," an intricate asset allocation system designed
to throw off predictable income for retired clients.
"Using a proprietary, 28-page spreadsheet, we first
look at the cash flow the client's portfolio needs to generate on a
year-by-year basis [over each remaining year of his lifetime] and then
we calculate the net present value of those flows," says Proctor. "For
example, a client might need $50,000 five years from now, so we
determine how the 'mini-portfolio' that will produce that $50,000
should be allocated over that five-year timeframe." Depending on the
time period, each one-year's-cash-flow portfolio is some mix of
equities, cash and/or fixed income. The result of Proctor's exercise is
a series of portfolios that span the client's lifetime and his overall
asset allocation today is, in effect, the consolidation of all of these
"The client's portfolio needed for the [current and]
next year will probably be all in money market accounts from which we
can direct-deposit to his checking account, thus recreating his
paycheck," says Proctor. He sets that amount at what the client
predicts he'll need in the way of "on-going" expenses; extraordinary
expenses items are covered by checks the client writes against his
If Proctor's system is intricate, Bernie Kiely's
system in quite simple, but effective. Kiely, of Kiely Capital
Management in Morristown, N.J., says, "We generally have our retired
clients in 50% stocks and 50% fixed income, which includes money
markets. They keep three months' worth of cash living expenses in the
bank. Then, every month, we wire one month's cash needs to their bank
account, thereby keeping three months in cash." The three-month
allotment is enough, presumably, to cover any extraordinary expenses
that may arise.
Of course, the first thing clients (and, sometimes,
advisors) want to know is ... what happens to my paycheck recreation
system in a bear market? Kathleen Cotton of Cotton Financial Advisors
in Lynnwood, Wash., has an answer for that: "Over and above the
client's current cash needs, we hold four to six years of income in a
bond ladder designed to 'surface' money each year, that we can use for
income if the equity market isn't a viable place to take the money
from. This got us through the 2000 to 2002 blight just fine-not that
clients didn't lose money, but they didn't lose as much as they would
have if we had cashed in equities during that environment to provide
them their 'paycheck.'"
Bob Wacker of R.E. Wacker Associates Inc. in San
Luis Obispo, Calif., is more optimistic about his ability to make sure
the client's cash is going to be available in spite of equity market
movements. Says Wacker, "Since we expect the funds we invest for our
clients to have a greater return on an ongoing basis than their money
market fund, I have never seen the point in taking out the entire
year's distribution and setting it aside in a money market fund. If the
money market fund earns less on average than the investment pool, you
are reducing the client's return."
What Wacker does, in contrast to most other
advisors, is a "reverse-dollar cost averaging" by moving required
living expense amounts out of the client's pool of investment assets
each month into some more accessible account. "We keep the money
invested until it's time to withdraw that month's distribution," at
which time the withdrawal gives Wacker the opportunity to rebalance the
client's investment assets.
He also grapples with the decision of taking the
monthly withdrawal from his client's taxable or tax-deferred accounts.
While some clients have only taxable accounts or only tax-exempt
accounts, many have both qualified and nonqualified money. "The
decision as to which account to take the distribution from is
almost always a tax-driven decision," acknowledges Wacker. If his
client is in a low tax bracket, Wacker will take the funds from his
IRA, or he may even decide to move the client's IRA balance to a Roth
IRA account and fund the client's living expenses, instead, from the
client's taxable accounts.
If the client is in a moderate to high tax bracket
and/or a rollover to a Roth IRA isn't feasible, the sheer size of the
IRA may provide a ready-made paycheck, as it did for one of Jody
Shumacher's clients. Shumacher, with Focus Financial Advisors Inc. in
Rockford, Ill., tells of one of her firm's physician clients who didn't
retire until he was age 70, accumulating by that time a $3.5 million
IRA. "We set up the required minimum distribution for his IRA on a
monthly basis, just as he'd received his salary when he worked. The
required minimum distribution is now greater than any paycheck he
ever received," says Shumacher and, continuing to grow, the doctor's
IRA is larger than what he started with before taking distributions.
Once you've put a system in place that's working to
everyone's satisfaction, there's always the issue of how much income
clients really need in retirement. The common wisdom among planners and
consumers alike, for many years, was that it would take only 60% to 80%
of a person's preretirement living expenses to keep him afloat in
But is this realistic? Whereas this may once have
been accurate, Kinney points out, "Travel [and similar] expenses go
away, but they're often offset by rising health care costs." It
probably doesn't have to be pointed out to the reader how much faster
health care costs are rising than other consumer expenses.
Planning to meet living expenses that will continue
at close to preretirement levels, then, Kinney spends much of the time
he devotes to quarterly meetings with retired clients reminding them
that it's safest to pull down, ideally, not more than 4% to 5% of their
portfolio's total value per year for income needs. "Even if the
portfolio is earning 8% or 9% year, they can't draw it all out," he
Once the client has a clear picture of how much he
can withdraw, the portfolio structure and investment philosophy that
will produce the necessary liquidity, and the paycheck recreation
system that will get the money into his bank account, he should be able
to calm down and start enjoying his retirement.
David J. Drucker, MBA, CFP, a
financial advisor since 1981, now writes, speaks and consults with
other advisors as president of Drucker Knowledge Systems. Learn more
about his latest books, Tools & Techniques of Practice Management
(National Underwriters, 2004) and The One Thing... You Need to Do as
Told by the Financial Advisory Industry's Top Coaches, Consultants and
Industry Insiders (The Financial Advisor Literary Guild, 2005), at