Estate Planning Software Built For Team Approach
The Center for Estate Planning, based in Salem, Ore., is offering Estate Profiler PRO, comprehensive financial planning software for attorneys, financial planners, bankers and trust officers, CPAs, brokers and insurance agents.
Estate Profiler allows the user to instantly see the impact of any changes in a client‚s recommended plan. It includes an analysis screen with data entry and output on the same screen.

The program is built to connect professionals who make up a client‚s group of multi-discipline advisors. Its secure, exclusive import/export capabilities make it possible to share client inventories, proposed plans and alternate scenarios.

Estate Profiler also allows the user to make projections based on federal tax rules applying for 2001, 2009 or 2010. The user also can see the effect of a credit shelter or bypass trust. The program considers all elements of client‚s wealth; allows customization of portfolio allocations, component names and rates of return; and shows the value of life insurance. The software also allows the user to easily present the impact of buy/sell decisions and timing in conjunction with the rest of the client‚s holdings.

The price for Estate Profiler PRO is $10 per client record for individuals or offices, and annual maintenance is $5 per client record. For more information visit

Al Frank Dividend Fund Introduced
Al Frank Asset Man-agement of Laguna Beach, Calif., has introduced the no-load Al Frank DivideBoldnd Value Fund. Its investment objective is for long-term return from capital appreciation through buying undervalued stocks. The fund only invests in companies that pay a regular dividend.

Accounts can be opened by calling 888-263-6443 or by visiting

Pacific Life Launches Individual (k) Plan
Newport Beach, Calif.-based Pacific Life Insurance Co. has launched the Pacific Life Individual (k) Program. The new program is a cost-effective 401(k) designed exclusively for self-employed business owners and their spouses.

The Individual (k) Program offers Portfolio Optimization Funds–five asset allocation "fund of funds" to help investors diversify among management companies as well as investments. The program allows investors funding flexibility, asset allocation and cost-effective administration, with tax-deductible contribution limits of up to $41,000 annually.

This program makes it easier for self-employed business owners to take advantage of all the plan features and benefits usually available only through large corporations.

To find out more, visit

BNY‚s Pershing Unit Ranked No. 1
Jersey City, N.J.-based Pershing LLC, a member of BNY Securities Group and a subsidiary of The Bank of New York, has received the top rank for its customer statement in Dalbar Communications‚ 2004 Trends and Best Practices in Brokerage Statements survey. For more information on Pershing, visit

Unit Launched
San Francisco-based Forward Management is working with Palladium Capital Advisors to provide alternative investment services and products for the institutional and high-net-worth marketplace.

Forward‚s new unit, Forward Private Advisors, already has introduced its first alternative investment, managed by Maple Financial Group in Toronto. Visit for more information.

Oppenheimer Offers Breakpoint Service
Oppenheimer Funds Inc. has become the first major fund company to sign an agreement with DTCC‚s National Securities Clearing Corp. (NSCC) subsidiary to use its new breakpoint compliance service.

The service helps fund companies and their distribution partners comply with industry recommendations surrounding breakpoint discounts, and also provides a link to a single source for information so that investors‚ discounts can be calculated easily and efficiently. For more information on NSCC‚s breakpoint compliance service, please contact the firm at (212) 855-8877.

New Software
MoneyTree‚s Strategic Solutions, the third component of its Total Planning System, was released at the end of November.

Visit for more information.