Advisors may not know how to
market, but they are not alone.
Over the last 24 years as a financial writer, I've
worked with hundreds of advisors to try to communicate in writing about
money management and complex financial ideas. The vast majority of my
interactions with advisors have been intellectually rich and
professionally rewarding. I love interviewing money managers, writing
about financial planning and explaining in plain language Byzantine
creations like intentionally defective grantor trusts.
Covering some stories as a reporter has been pretty
intense, however, like interviewing Michael Milken before he was
sentenced to jail, covering Donald Trump when his empire was teetering,
and enduring an attack on my character from a national custodian after
my coverage of its advisor technology offerings. And then there was the
time that my direct questions rubbed a mutual fund manager the wrong
way and he threatened to throw me out of his office window from very
high up in a skyscraper.
But in all my years of covering financial matters,
nothing has been more frustrating than trying to write marketing copy
for advisors. Your business is your baby. If someone wrote a story
about one of your kids, you would have strong opinions about it and
want it to come out exactly right. Something so personal as your
business is bound to be tough to write about.
Again and again, the problem that comes up is that
advisors often have no idea what attributes of their firms to market.
You think you are picking mutual funds when, in fact, your clients
think you are saving them time. You think you are providing financial
plans when in reality you are providing peace of mind. In addition,
most advisory firms can't tell you what they're doing that is different
from what other advisory firms do, much less identify what's unique
about their firm. So when a writer calls and asks how you help people,
the answers usually fail to explain your competitive advantages.
There are other issues that drive me crazy. For
instance, an advisor begging the copywriter, "please just make my
marketing copy sound like everyone else's. I don't want to sound
different." (Honest, I have had advisors tell me this.) But the main
issue is that advisors don't know how to differentiate their businesses
from other firms or even that it is good to differentiate what you do
from the rest of the pack. Which brings me to Jaynie L. Smith,
president of Smart Advantage Inc. in Hollywood, Fla.
I came across Jaynie's book, Creating Competitive
Advantage (Doubleday, 2006), which she coauthored with William G.
Flanagan, in an airport bookstore and got some great ideas from the
book about how advisors can market more effectively. Here's what she
told me when we spoke in mid-December.
GLUCK: Wirehouses are encroaching on a key marketing
differentiator for independent advisors. The Wall Street giants see
that investors now demand independent, unbiased advice and are making
an active effort to be able to market themselves as providing
independent advice. For instance, Merrill Lynch's mutual fund arm was
acquired a year ago by BlackRock Inc. Since Merrill owns 45% of
BlackRock, it can bury in a prospectus that Merrill is selling funds in
a related entity. That's much better than selling proprietary products.
Till now, advisors could say, "We are the only source of independent,
unbiased financial advice." Now, wirehouses are saying they can deliver
independent advice. How do independent advisors market against that?
SMITH: In any industry, when you are the only one
doing something, your marketing materials should say, "We are the only
firm that ..." or "We are one of the only firms doing this." If the Wall
Street brokerages copy your model, then you can say, "We were the first
to offer ..." So now you go to a timeline and say, "We have been offering
financial services without selling in-house products for more than ten
Saying you've been doing something like this for ten years and telling
people that these other firms can only say they have been doing it for
six months is a competitive advantage. "This has been our practice.
It's who we are and these other firms can't say they've been doing it
for ten years because they just started it." That's an
oversimplification, but independent advisors should emphasize that,
while other wirehouses just began practicing this way, they have been
doing it for many years.
GLUCK: So when you get copied and can no longer say
that you're the only one doing something, you should say, "We were the
first." Does being first matter?
SMITH: Well, not alone. But it does with a few other
bullet points. Let's cover some of the other items and you'll see what
I mean.
GLUCK: OK, let's talk about price. In your book, you
say that marketing on price is a mistake. For independent advisors,
marketing on price can be good because they often offer their services
at lower cost than competitors.
SMITH: Most businesses, when they market on price,
end up commoditizing themselves. You leapfrog your competitors to the
bottom of the margin ladder, and you won't exist anymore. It's a
dangerous differentiator because we can always continue to lower our
price. It doesn't sell value.
We have a culture in the United States of letting price be the
differentiator because we have been trained to buy on price and we have
trained our customers to buy on price. Why? Because very few companies
know how to clearly articulate competitive advantages. They don't know
how to identify them within their own organization. And, when they do
identify them, they do a poor or mediocre job of communicating them.
GLUCK: While I understand that it's bad to market on
price, there are some advisors who limit expenses by using index funds
and ETFs. Is that marketing on price?
SMITH: That's different, and it's OK. That's low
cost. If you're saving your client time and money, be very specific
about how much time and money you are saving them. You may even want to
do a financial analysis of ETFs and index funds versus other types of
portfolios. Extrapolate the average expenses for a typical actively
managed portfolio and show that versus a low-cost portfolio. If you can
say, we save clients 25% or 50% over what they would pay going to
another advisory firm, that's good. When a customer understands exactly
what they are buying, then price is not an issue. But when we are out
there all saying the same thing, what I call the "blah, blah, blah"
list, then you're hiding your competitive advantages.
GLUCK: That's a great idea, provided it is vetted by
your compliance officer. But let's push on. Please explain your blah,
blah, blah list.
SMITH: I've asked about 2,500 CEOs the following
question: "What's your number one competitive advantage?" It's a simple
question-why should I buy from you? Only five have given me the right
answer. That's five out of 2,500! If your sales people or service
people cannot answer the "Why us?" question, then the next
question from the people interested in buying your product or service
can only be, "What's your price?" The notion of marketing based on your
competitive advantages is a completely lost discipline, and I know that
because I've asked 2,500 CEOs.
The answers I've gotten are what I call the blah, blah, blah list.
Those are the answers I get again and again and again. Five days ago, I
was in Memphis talking to a CEO group. I had 30 CEOs in the room. I
asked the question, "Why should I buy from you?" It always staggers me,
but I always get the same blah, blah, blah list.
GLUCK: What are those answers on the blah, blah, blah list?
SMITH: Good customer service, good quality, good
reputation, good results, good employees, knowledgeable staff.
GLUCK: And you're saying that's not a good answer
because everybody has that? You're saying those are vacuous statements,
SMITH: That's right, and that's how people are
trying to sell. With those kinds of answers, the only thing left for a
buyer to ask is, "OK, that's what everyone else says, so what's your
price?" If I am looking for a reason to buy from you and those are your
answers, you haven't given me any reason to buy from you.
Coincidentally, I personally had a financial advisor
visit my office two weeks ago from one of the big firms, trying to sell
me his services. It was a young man and he was bright. When I asked
him, "Why should I use your services?" he kept telling me it was
because he built relationships. I wanted to gag. Who doesn't build
relationships in selling anything, for heaven's sake? A few months ago,
I had a similar experience over the phone with a broker from another
large firm. The salesperson basically asked me to turn my portfolio
over to him. I let him do his sales pitch, and I'm sitting there
yawning all the way through it. After about ten or 15 minutes, I flat
out said, "Thank you very much, but I've waited 15 minutes to hear one
reason why I should use your firm. You aren't telling me anything that
every single financial advisor isn't telling me."
GLUCK: When I've interviewed advisors to write their
marketing copy and asked them what's different about what they do, I've
actually had some of them say to me, "Nothing. I'm just like the next
guy." What do you make of that?
SMITH: That's sad. I had a similar experience in
buying a car. I went to five car dealers and asked each, "Why should I
buy this car? What's so different about your car?" Not one could tell
me anything unique about the features of their cars. I told them that I
drive a Volvo and asked for their safety ratings. They weren't able to
tell me their advantages.
GLUCK: Right. But what happens when you have an
independent advisor who says that he or she is no different from other
advisors? I've come across advisors who say, "I'm selling mutual funds
and so is the rest of the advisor world. I'm no different."
SMITH: They're waving the white flag and shouldn't
be in business. If you don't have something that differentiates you,
then you should go do something where you can differentiate yourself.
GLUCK: Do you think it's simply that advisors are so
busy with the day-to-day running of their businesses that they lose
sight of what's different about themselves?
SMITH: Unless you slice and dice what you do until
you get it real clear in your own mind, your competitive advantages
will not be readily apparent. I worked not too long ago with a small
financial services firm that mostly sold insurance products. We
researched what their customers wanted, and found that their customers
wanted accuracy on quotes, and they wanted phone calls returned within
an hour. As small as it was, the company began measuring how quickly
staff returned calls. They began bending over backwards to make sure
they returned all calls within an hour.
Instead of telling clients and prospects that, "We have good response
time," the company now markets by saying, "We return 100% of our calls
within an hour." My point is that it's that simple. Your competitive
advantage may not be a true differentiator. But if you make that kind
of statement it's competitive positioning. It gives you the illusion of
having a competitive advantage. If you have one thing that people
want-maybe you return phone calls quickly, maybe you allow them to have
more control over their portfolios, maybe you provide more education
about what you do-that's a competitive advantage.
GLUCK: Funny you should say mention education as a
competitive advantage. A lot of financial advisors are told to market
in exactly the opposite way. They're told that clients don't want to be
educated about personal finance. One school of thought among advisors
that the way to market is by telling prospects and clients that you
will do everything for them, and that they don't need to know about
estate planning or taxation.
SMITH: I don't know if that make sense. Presumably, advisors are often
working with entrepreneurs who own their own business. These tend to be
high-control people. I'm like that. It's difficult for high-control
people to turn our portfolios over to somebody we hardly know.
High-control people want to be educated. They may not want to spend a
lot of time on it, and just want you to give the quick and dirty. But
that's just my take on it. To really know whether educating clients is
a competitive advantage, you have to ask your clients and prospects.
GLUCK: Your book says that there's often a dangerous
disparity between what you think clients value and what they do, in
fact, value. Explain that.
SMITH: Small businesses often don't know what's most
important to their clients. Truth is, it doesn't matter what I think is
a competitive advantage or what the business owner thinks. What matters
is what the clients think. The dangerous disparity is that you're out
there selling A, B and C, you're out there telling people that you
build relationships and to trust you, and they don't care about any of
that. Your clients may value education and responsiveness, but you may
not be talking about those things with prospects. Most businesses are
out there selling A, B and C when customers are really interested in D,
E and F. If we do the market research and we find out that D, E and F
are important and start selling based on D, E and F, then we're going
to close more sales. To know what your clients want and value, you have
got to get independent research findings. What's so interesting is that
business owners often don't know what they're clients think are their
competitive advantages.
GLUCK: So there's a disconnect?
SMITH: A huge disconnect.
GLUCK: So for a financial advisory firm to know its
competitive advantage, it's going to start with asking its clients.
SMITH: It absolutely starts with doing your market
research, outside market research that's unbiased-not you doing it
GLUCK: You can do client surveys or maybe focus groups? Right?
SMITH: Focus groups are qualitative, not
quantitative, and that does not work for the kind of information you
need. Customer surveys are not easy to do correctly. If you don't know
how to formulate the questions correctly-market research professionals
go to school to learn this skill-you may not get the right information.
When a company asks what's important to clients, price comes up first
or second. When a market research firm asks the same question, price
comes up fifth, sixth or seventh. That's because your clients may not
tell the truth exactly in answering your survey. They're negotiating,
so price comes back as being more important. You need to know how to
write surveys to do this.
GLUCK: How could independent advisors do this research?
SMITH: I've designed a questionnaire to test 15
deliverables for any kind of company, whether it's financial services
or manufacturing. We edit according to the industry. Then, we hand it
off to a market research firm to call your clients.
GLUCK: Advisors may not be able to give their
clients' names out to an independent research firm because of privacy
SMITH: Then they could buy a list of high-net-worth individuals and call those people.
GLUCK: It's done with a phone survey?
SMITH: The research is done with telephone
interviews. The research company makes the calls blind, meaning the
individuals have no idea who's asking the questions, and that's what
you want. That's how you get unbiased information.
GLUCK: How many calls have to be made?
SMITH: You probably need to collect completed
surveys from 50 clients or other high-net-worth individuals for it to
be valid statistically. You may need to make 1,000 phone calls to get
that number of responses.
GLUCK: What do you ask about?
SMITH: For an advisory firm, the attributes you want
to ask about are things like quarterly meetings or reports, performance
and returns, education and seminars, and response time.
GLUCK: What's the cost of doing something like this?
SMITH: The research firm is likely to charge about
$5,000 or $6,000. But you could call the local university and see if a
marketing student would like to make it a research project, and then it
could be done for little or nothing. A graduate student would be best.
You find out the hierarchy of buying criteria in a high-net-worth
person's decision in hiring an advisory firm. You find out the things
that are most important to your target market and match that against
what your firm can deliver. If the research shows that one of the most
important deliverables for an advisory firm is education but your firm
is not good at that, then you go to the next attribute. You match your
strengths with those attributes cited in the research, and those become
your competitive advantages.
GLUCK: Give me an example of how this works when you do it.
SMITH: I can give you an example of an advisory firm
I worked with several years ago. The firm had fallen into the blah,
blah, blah marketing slump. We pulled all the partners and staff
together and I led a full-day, competitive advantage drill-down. I
asked them questions about their deliverables, such as, "If I buy
financial services, what am I really buying? Besides investment
results, what else am I buying?" I compiled a list of all their
deliverables, everything I might get in an interaction with the firm.
GLUCK: But then you need to implement that information. Right?
Then I helped the firm identify key statements it can make about the
deliverables, with an eye toward finding measurable, factual items. In
financial services, it's important to build confidence in the buying
decision by removing risk. When you do that, you minimize price as an
issue. These statements are a way of minimizing the risk of a buying
decision. This firm was the fastest-growing money manager on one of the
custodial platforms for three years in a row. The firm also had beaten
the Standard & Poor's 500 for three years in a row. It was featured
by the custodian, a nationally known firm, in its newsletter for
advisors, and the CEO, he was elected to the custodian's advisory
board-one of only ten members on that advisory board. Those were all
nice differentiators, and not everyone could make those factual
statements. Then, when the firm revamps its marketing materials and
sales presentation, the three or four of these statements that are most
important to its clients can be featured.
GLUCK: So you're starting with the firm telling you
what they think their deliverables are that they're providing the
SMITH: Right.
GLUCK: You said advisors should take the risk
out of the prospect's buying decision. How does an advisor do that?
SMITH: One of the statements an advisory firm can
make is about its client retention rate. The firm I referenced before
had a 98% client retention rate. That removes risk for people, when you
tell them that 98% of clients stay. It tells clients that this firm
must be doing something right.
GLUCK: And what if your retention rate is 90%? Do you still use that?
SMITH: Sure, anything in the 90s is good.
GLUCK: Any other examples?
SMITH: For small advisory firms, a powerful statement is that 75% of your business comes from referrals.
GLUCK: So small advisors who can't afford a national
ad campaign like the giant Wall Street firms can actually use that in
their favor.
SMITH: Yes, by saying they built their business on referrals.
GLUCK: That's particularly true when you consider
that most advisory firms are local businesses dependent on their
reputation in the community.
SMITH: If you picked up ten new clients last year
and all ten came from referrals, that's 100%, and that's an impressive
statement to make to people.
GLUCK: Any other ideas about how small independent advisors can position themselves versus the big firms?
SMITH: That you get the top guy here. If you're a
small firm, this will work. If an investor goes to a large firm, some
associate is often the one actually running your money. You may or may
not ever see and speak with the leading thinker. That's a little scary.
In big firms, you don't know who's running your money. Telling people
that in your firm, because it is small, they know who's watching their
account is a good idea.
GLUCK: What are some of the other typical
competitive advantages that you think an independent investment advisor
might be able to cite?
SMITH: Your certifications and the continuing education credit you are required to accumulate.
GLUCK: A lot of advisors do have the same or similar
continuing education requirements, CFPs and CPAs, for instance. But
only a small minority of the total universe of advisors is a CFP or
CPA. So you're saying that some facts in your marketing materials about
your professional designations, education requirements and ethical
guidelines make sense.
SMITH: Absolutely. I say on my Web site that I have
spent over 20,000 hours in one-to-one time with CEOs, and have been
coaching CEOs for 18 years. That gives me credibility, and it removes
risks if you're a CEO wanting to hire me. I didn't get invited back
again and again and again because I'm bad. Right? So telling prospects
how many hours you invest in your training and education is a good
idea. Add it up and use numbers to build confidence.
GLUCK: I guess an advisor could include in his
marketing materials a statement about how many high-net-worth clients
he serves, something like, "ABC Financial works with individuals and
families with at least $1 million of investable assets and in 2006 was
advisor to 11 clients with portfolios of more than $3 million." What
are some of the other differentiators that an investment advisor may
SMITH: Have you been quoted in journals? Are you
published? Do you sit on any boards or are you an officer at a
charitable group?
Andrew Gluck, a long-time writer and
journalist, is CEO of Advisor Products Inc., a Westbury, N.Y.,
marketing company serving 1,500 advisory firms.