Gerber Has The Right Idea
Evan Simonoff, you don‚t get it.
Michael Gerber is correct (Financial Advisor, March
2007), and your assertion that he is not is wrong. TD Waterhouse‚s
success proves it. Through structure, systemization and marketing, TD
is picking up market share and eating its competitor‚s lunch. Its CEO,
Joe Moglia, has demonstrated that he can build an organization that
transcends the individual broker. And if anyone says it‚s just price,
they are sadly mistaken.
I believe that there are just an awful lot of
technicians who are quite content working IN their practice rather than
building a real business, and that is OK, I guess, but I never
understood that. When I was in retail I remember my Dad yelling at me
once when we were building our fifth or sixth store, "Did it ever occur
to you that we would all be happy with just one location?"
And honestly, it didn‚t. As he is wintering in
Naples, I am pretty sure he no longer feels that way. Gerber, although
crass, is right.
John Macco
Macco Financial Group Inc.
Green Bay, Wis.
What Is A Fiduciary?
I enjoyed your perspective on Michael Gerber and Tom
Bradley at the TD Ameritrade Conference. I think Mr. Gerber may be
correct in his assumptions for most industries, except ours. The reason
quite frankly is what Mr. Bradley misses–simply calling yourself a
fiduciary and making clients happy will in no manner ensure client‚s
The debate over who is a fiduciary and who is not
should be evident by a process, not by mimicking the broker-dealer
wirehouse rep model of smiling at your client while your hand is in
their back pocket. Clients want a difference, but we do not deliver
like we should. Mr. Gerber is right.
A process, in our case a fiduciary process (or what
the medical community calls a standard of care), must be adopted. It
cannot be built on wrap accounts, third-party due diligence or standard
deviation as the measure of risk, but instead on a truly transparent,
client-centered model. Fee-based does not equate to fiduciary. It is
much more being able to justify the fee you are charging by your
actions serving the client‚s interest.
Is the problem really the lack of a defined process or standard of care?
My firm clears through TD Ameritrade, and while I
have issues with technology, it is the professionalism of the people
who service my firm that keeps me waiting for this forthcoming VEO.
Brent E. Bentrim
Carolopolis Family Wealth Management
Charleston, S.C.
EDITOR‚s Response
There is nothing wrong with working IN a business
and ON a business at the same time. Today, many financial advisors are
doing both and enjoying great success.
Michael Gerber seemed awfully impressed with the
fact that McDonald‚s Ray Kroc never flipped a hamburger or made and
poured a milkshake. Personally, I‚d be a little reluctant to seek
advice from a firm run by someone who had never met a real live client
or written an actual financial plan, and then never implemented,
monitored and adjusted it.
The Gerber-McDonald‚s process-and-systematize model
works very well for large-scale, mass-market service businesses like
Wal-Mart and Safeway. But Americans seeking financial independence want
better, more personalized service.
Financial Advisor welcomes letters from its readers and reserves the right to edit them, based on space and content.
May 1, 2007
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