"We are taking the needs-based selling approach a step further by providing the in-house support and training that producers need to fully analyze their clients‚ specific financial situation and develop an objective financial plan that addresses their clients‚ personal and business needs," says Bette Skandalis, New England Securities‚ vice president of financial planning. Skandalis joined the company last year specifically to design and develop the infrastructure needed to deliver fee-based planning services at the local level.
New England Financial, a major insurance and financial services company, is an affiliate of Met Life. For more information, visit www.nef.com.
MSC Forms Joint Venture
Mutual Service Corp. (MSC) has formed a joint venture with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage to offer mortgage services and technology to MSC‚s independent registered representatives.
The new company, Mutual Service Mortgage, offers home equity loans and lines of credit, interest-only programs, reverse mortgages, renovation loans, construction loans, reduced documentation loans and alternative credit programs.
Mutual Service Mortgage provides MSC representatives‚ clients with discounted services, including reduced closing costs, free pre-qualification and mortgage analysis, and specialized loan programs.
MSC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pacific Life Insurance Co. The West Palm Beach, Fla.-based firm is one of the nation‚s largest independent full-service broker-dealers.
Asset-Allocation Software
New Frontier Advisors LLC of Boston is offering new asset-allocation technology for financial advisors.