The software includes patented resampling methodology to identify particular asset allocations. It combines research in long-term investment theory and mathematical statistics to identify asset allocations consistent with an investor‚s risk tolerance and financial objectives.
The new program allows advisors and clients to identify appropriate portfolios to meet specific investment needs and objectives, including retirement planning and endowment planning for trusts, foundations and estates. The software is available to advisors on a licensed basis.
For more information, visit New Frontier‚s Web site at or call (617) 482-1433 to speak with a sales representative.
New Liability Coverage
The St. Paul Companies, based in St. Paul, Minn., unveiled a professional liability product to help protect investment advisors from the risks associated with providing services to their clients.
St. Paul SelectOne offers various forms of liability coverage, including professional, directors and officers, employment practices, fiduciary, mutual fund professional and private investment fund general partnership.
For more information, visit