Hire an insurance broker
If you’re a one-person operation, go to healthcare.gov for individual and family coverage.
If you have at least one full-time employee who isn’t you or a close relative, go to https://www.healthcare.gov and look into the Small Business Health Options Program, or SHOP, to see if your business qualifies.
Partner with an association or purchasing alliance (Chalice Network is one).
Join a PEO, or professional employer organization.
Some of these options are costly, some provide solutions exclusively for certain business arrangements, and some provide only minimal coverage and/or have high deductibles. And of course the more time you spend investigating health coverage, the less time you have for your marketing efforts and overall business-development planning.
Marketing Alternatives for Your Advisory Firm
Are you crystal-clear on plans for your firm’s growth, or do you need help in the form of a chief marketing officer? A CMO can work directly with your team, bringing your marketing in line with your target audience. Even if you have the vision down cold, you still might need someone to undertake the time-consuming talks of turning that vision into reality.
Depending on a number of factors — firm size and location are just two — you might consider one of the following options.
Hire a full-time CMO
Hire a fractional CMO (typically a consultant who works for several firms at once)