• Distributed denial-of-service attacks, or DDoS attacks (where Trojan-infected server systems are deployed against another system, usually with the aim of shutting it down).

  • Having cybersecurity, as well as cyber insurance (which can protect you financially after an attack), is a good way to avoid disaster. The average cost of a cyberattack now exceeds $1 million, according to a recent Global Application and Network Security Report.

    Website Solutions for Your Advisory Firm

    Man On a Calculator Near a Laptop

    Having a plain vanilla website is one thing. Having a website that’s optimized for search-engine optimization, or SEO, is quite another. The gulf between websites that function merely as brochureware and those primed to be a focal point for your customer service and marketing is why so many small-business owners feel faint when they get quotes for customized websites.

    A fully functional, customized website can provide advisors with:

    • A digital-marketing centerpoint.

    • A secure, cloud-based document transfer/storage system.

    • An appointment calendar that sends out automated reminders.

    • An educational resource for your clients.

    • And, really, anything else you can think of — provided you pay a developer and UX designer to map out and implement the specific, additional aspects of your website you have in mind.

    Besides going for a bespoke website, advisors can use third-party solutions at much lower costs. These start with pre-designed layouts to which business owners can add a number of features as they require them.