Key Points
1. Cyclicality is a feature of both atmospheric conditions and investment performance. The historical record promises that for value investors, summer will follow winter—the challenge is in weathering the passing blizzard of negative returns.
2. Both U.S. and developed-market RAFI™-based strategies have outperformed their cap-weighted value benchmarks over the long term and on a 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year trailing basis.
3. The largest and most persistent investment opportunity is long-horizon mean reversion, which explains the historical outperformance of RAFI and supports our expectation that the dynamic value tilt of fundamental-index-based strategies will generate future excess returns over the long term.
Both of us are European-born and have a particular appreciation for kitsch-y Americana and its sunny outlook, perhaps as a reaction to our more neutral (some might argue, existential and heavy) cultural heritage.1 High in the firmament of traditional Americana are the “Greetings from” postcards depicting cities and sights from around the United States—although we have noted the enthusiastic adoption of this quaint piece of memorabilia by other locales around the world. The one characteristic shared by all such postcards is the absence of the gloom and grey of winter!