Advicent Updates NaviPlan

Advicent has updated NaviPlan, its financial planning platform for advisors.

The updates include improvements to its presentation module, which provides advisors with modern presentation designs, new infographics and other visuals.

NaviPlan has also added new client reports that analyze asset-allocation ideas for qualified and non-qualified accounts.

The navigation bar is now simplified to include all client-related actions in one area. Advisors can go to a centralized location to get access to client information, the client’s plan list, and the Narrator Clients portal user setup.


Beyond U By Angie Herbers

Angie Herbers, founder of the advisor consulting firm FourPointe Consulting, has launched an educational platform, Beyond U, to help advisors grow their firms.

Beyond U hosts live seminars and has videos that cover industry issues like leadership, client services, human capital and corporate finance.