Analytic Investors is located in Los Angeles and has $23 billion in assets under management. In 2018, the firm became part of Wells Capital Management, an RIA and wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo Asset Management Holdings.

RIA in a Box Debuts Vendor Due Diligence Tool

RIA in a Box LLC is now offering its award-winning Vendor Due Diligence Tool to all current clients of the MyRIACompliance software platform.

The Vendor Due Diligence Tool allows vendors to automate sharing of documentation with client RIA firms and tracks those firms’ access to it in conformity with e-mail compliance, data security and cybersecurity policies.

Morningstar, Riskalyze and Orion are the first vendors to incorporate the RIA in a Box Vendor Due Diligence Tool through their platforms.

Founded in 2005, RIA in a Box is based in New York. The company provides compliance software to the wealth management industry.

Riskalyze Adds Timeline Feature To Product Line

Riskalyze Financial Services has introduced “Timeline,” its latest product, which is available to all Riskalyze Premier users.

Timeline allows advisors to add life events to their clients’ Retirement Maps, enabling them to see how certain milestones, such as getting married, buying a home, sending children to college or retiring, affect their investor risk capacity.

Riskalyze also provides Timeline events through things like mobile phone apps via APIs (application programming interfaces).