More than a quarter of retired Americans wished they had a do-over when thinking about how they approached life before retirement.
According to a report by MedicareFAQ, an educational resource for seniors, 26% of retirees harbor regrets now that they are retired. Most of them, 78%, lamented not saving enough money or prioritizing finances, but others felt they could have done a better job of focusing more on themselves and simply enjoying life.
More than half (52%) said they did not prioritize their health; 28% said they did not have a good work-life balance; 21% indicated that they did not travel enough; and 18% wished they had spent more time with family.
The survey included 569 retired Americans whose average age was 58 and who have been retired for five or more years. It found that 86% of them wished they would have saved more, and nearly two-thirds said they started too late to invest in retirement funds.
Overall, the report found that most retirees enjoy being retired, but more than half (56%) said the transition was harder than expected, and 22% specifically referred to it as difficult. At the same time, one in four struggle to find fulfillment. But 18% said they spend time volunteering, 25% said they plan to find work, and 47% have picked up a new hobby in retirement. The majority (93%) said being retired has afforded them time to enjoy the things they did not have time for while holding down a full-time job.
Furthermore, 82% indicated that they have focused more on their health after leaving the workforce. Sixty percent said they did so by cooking healthy meals, 59% said they visit the doctor when they believe they need to, 53% dedicate time to exercise, and 41% say they are more active in general.
One in 10 of the respondents said they delayed their retirement; 49% said it was because they enjoyed working, 38% said it’s because they didn’t have enough money saved, 33% said it was to increase their Social Security payout, and 31% said it was for the health insurance coverage.
After bringing up finances, their health, their work-life balance and their family time, retirees named a few more things they wished they had done before retirement: that they had focused more on personal growth and happiness, that they had not lived too far beyond their financial means, that they had chosen a career they enjoyed and that they’d valued relationships more.