Is selling a financial planning practice to an outsider the best way to extract its true value?
If you are growing your practice, one can argue that
growth through acquisition is the most efficient method through which
to gather client relationships and the underlying client assets-but how
does the equation play out for the seller of a financial planning or
investment advisory practice? Does an internal succession plan
ultimately result in better overall client retention and, as a result,
enhance long-term value to the practice's owner?
Since I have grown my own practice through two
acquisitions, clearly I am of the opinion that growth through
acquisition is a terrific way to build a business. Yet as an advisor's
practice reaches a point where extracting the value becomes an integral
part of their retirement plan, what is the best strategy to
Consider the following scenario:
Mr. Smith has worked for the better part of two
decades building client relationships and a stream of recurring revenue
that now exceeds $500,000 annually. He has reached the point in his
life where spending time on the golf course is more appealing than
keeping track of the new annual gifting limits; however he is having
difficulty peeling himself away from the day-to-day duties associated
with running his practice. Launching a simple Internet search on
business succession planning, Mr. Smith rapidly learns of two schools
of thought that have become popular among financial advisors-sell the
business externally or develop an internal transfer plan.
Before I offer viewpoints on the question, let me
address a subject of confusion for many advisors related to the
choices. Not long ago, one of the industry's service providers
introduced the term "transition planning" to supposedly denote the act
of selling one's firm to anyone other than an internal buyer. In
reality, the term transition planning is used in the business brokerage
world only to describe the latter part of a succession plan, when the
transition phase is enacted. For example, most any business transfer
has the need for a transition of both ownership and management
responsibilities to the new owner(s). The term is most applicable to
the seller of an advisory firm, in that there is a crucial need to plan
for the transitioning of client relationships to the new owner.
In sum, succession planning defines the complete
process of preparing and completing all phases of the transfer of a
business, whereas transition planning is just a late-stage fragment of
the total plan.
So back to the question at hand-does the retiring
advisor, Mr. Smith, get to play more golf by executing an internal or
external sale?
The succession planning game is not unlike managing an investment
portfolio. It is critical to maintain the principal because it is the
engine that drives growth and revenue. In the case of a financial
planning or investment advisory practice, owning the client
relationships is like preserving the principal in an investment
portfolio. So long as you maintain the principal, you can live off the
growth and revenue it generates.
Perhaps owners of advisory practices are getting
that message as fewer and fewer practices are surfacing for sale. In
fact, based on's tracking of practices listed for
sale during 2005, less than 30 practices came to market during the
year. This independent assessment is in direct conflict with the 240
practices as sold during the year cited by Business Transitions LLC in
an April 24 Wall Street Journal article, "Demand, Hurdles High to Buy
Firms," written by Kristin McNamara. Not only is this disparity
disturbing, but it also echoes the concerns many advisors have voiced
over conflicting data Business Transitions LLC has reported in its
Practice Transitions Report over the last four years.
If 240 practices really were sold by Business
Transitions during 2005, how did, an independent
service that tracks all financial advisory firms for sale through
established market channels, miss seeing nearly 90% of these sales?
Furthermore, if historical sales data displayed on Business
Transitions' Web sites are similarly overstated (sales dates are
undisclosed, making this difficult to verify), then the advisory
industry has been seriously mislead as to the actual number of advisors
who have chosen to sell their practices externally versus internally.
It seems to me that an independent audit of the Business Transitions
data published in their marketing booklets may be necessary for those
of us in the industry to remain confident in their statistics.
Regardless of the controversy, other credible
sources report a different picture. These include a 2004 Financial
Planning Association (FPA) study performed by Moss Adams LLP where only
2% of participants had sold either part or their entire firm in the
previous year. Additionally, a 2005 study cited in the second edition
of another FPA publication, Succession Planning Strategies for the
Financial Planner, shows very few of today's planners consider the sale
of their practice to an outsider to be a viable option for succession.
The study, available at, indicates that 66%
of the respondents plan to facilitate an internal succession.
Incidentally, the author of Succession Planning Strategies, David K.
Goad, ChFC, of Succession Planning Consultants (SPC) in Newport Beach,
Calif., was the founder and CEO of Business Transitions until selling
his majority ownership to the current owners in 2002.
It appears to me that advisors with an eye on
retirement have gotten smarter and are now protecting the coveted
revenue-producing asset they have worked so hard to build. By hiring an
experienced advisor with a proven business track record or by mentoring
an advisor already on staff (or in the industry) with the proper
attitude, skill set and business acumen, a retiring advisor often can
extract far more value than if he were to sell his business externally.
The major benefit is the ability to extract that value long into
retirement while providing seamless service to the firm's most valuable
asset-its clients.
With guidance from Goad, let's do some math based on
Mr. Smith's practice, as discussed earlier, to see how the numbers work
out. Let's assume the value of Mr. Smith's practice based on the net
operating profit valuation method1 is $1,000,000. In the Figure 1,
let's assume that Mr. Smith sells his practice tomorrow to an outsider
and further assume a profit margin of 40% on the $500,000 gross
recurring revenue stream net of Mr. Smith's $100,000 salary.
FiIt's important to keep in mind that Mr. Smith is
essentially now out of business, (an external buyer will require a
noncompete agreement), and is assuming a large risk that the revenue
stream will continue in the face of potentially volatile markets and a
new owner at the helm.
Conversely, should Mr. Smith plan well ahead of when he wants to free
up time in his life, he stands to derive much more financial reward and
greater flexibility with an internal succession. (Figure 2)
This internal sale example is only a snapshot of the
potential value. Since Mr. Smith is maintaining 60% of the firm's stock
until full retirement or death, he will likely benefit from many years
of additional increasing income and increasing business value. The
major benefit of the plan, aside from having flexibility in timing the
sale of his remaining 60% stock balance, is that he now has a buy/sell
in place for illness or death which, as a solo practitioner, he did
not. This of course is all possible by using the power of leverage
through the addition of an associate.
If Mr. Smith elects to mentor a successor, and
selects and trains that successor carefully, he will have maintained
ownership of the engine that drives revenue-the client relationships.
True, internal succession involves more work on behalf of the retiring
advisor, but by planning ahead and adding an extra year of effort, Mr.
Smith will receive more than 2.5 times the value of an external
succession plan, or an extra $1,589,700.
So to answer the initial question I raised at the
beginning of this article-Is selling a financial planning practice the
best way to extract its true value?-I would say absolutely not.
Kristofor R. Behn, CFP, is president
and founder of The Fieldstone Financial Management Group, Practice
Merger Consultants and Practice Lifecycle, all based in Boston.