November 22, 2017 • Asia Martin
Lisa Natalicchio of State Street and Amy Sitnick of PNC Bank at the SMAC conference in New York City. (Photo by Asia Martin/Financial Advisor magazine.) The importance of social media to all companies is growing and departments within investment companies should work together to support and create business opportunities. That was the overall message at the Social Media and Compliance in Financial Services (SMAC) conference last week in New York City. The conference, sponsored by The Financial Technologies Forum, brought together an array of individuals from compliance divisions, social media teams, marketing departments and other areas of financial services companies. Some of the key takeaways included how social media teams and compliance divisions can benefit from working together early on. And having a relationship where both departments understand what each other does and their purpose can lead to an articulate brand, well-trained staff, and effective social listening. Panelists at the conference also gave basic to advanced tips on how to take advantage of social media. Look At Social Media Accounts As A First Impression In some cases, a firm's social media profiles are an introduction. “Your social presence is your handshake,” said Lisa Natalicchio, the global head of internal communications and social business at State Street. She added that what others are saying about you on the internet also defines a company’s reputation. A quick search on a social media platform like Twitter or even a job board like Glassdoor can reveal the opinions of prospects, clients and former employees that may be promoting or tainting a business’s credibility. Have Cohesive Branding First « 1 2 3 » Next
The importance of social media to all companies is growing and departments within investment companies should work together to support and create business opportunities.
That was the overall message at the Social Media and Compliance in Financial Services (SMAC) conference last week in New York City. The conference, sponsored by The Financial Technologies Forum, brought together an array of individuals from compliance divisions, social media teams, marketing departments and other areas of financial services companies.
Some of the key takeaways included how social media teams and compliance divisions can benefit from working together early on. And having a relationship where both departments understand what each other does and their purpose can lead to an articulate brand, well-trained staff, and effective social listening.
Panelists at the conference also gave basic to advanced tips on how to take advantage of social media.
Look At Social Media Accounts As A First Impression
In some cases, a firm's social media profiles are an introduction.
“Your social presence is your handshake,” said Lisa Natalicchio, the global head of internal communications and social business at State Street. She added that what others are saying about you on the internet also defines a company’s reputation.
A quick search on a social media platform like Twitter or even a job board like Glassdoor can reveal the opinions of prospects, clients and former employees that may be promoting or tainting a business’s credibility.
Have Cohesive Branding
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