The nation's best places to work are setting the bar for worker benefits with offerings such as fully paid sabbaticals, student loan repayment programs and subsidized childcare, according to Fortune magazine.

Fortune released its annual 100 Best Places to Work list on Thursday, and companies that sit atop the list offer an array of employee perks and benefits that would be the envy of most American workers.

For example, most or all of the companies at the top of the list offer telecommuting, college tuition reimbursement, sick days and health insurance for part-timers. A good number of companies also have their own fitness centers and some offer unlimited sick days.

This year, the company that ranked number one on the list was a bit of a surprise. It's a 100-year-old company thas has been on the list for only four years, and which last year ranked at 33. Fortune notes that the company didn't rocket up the list by accident: A new CEO took over in 2007 with a commitment to treating employees better.

New policies were implemented and, at the same time, the company saw its share price swell, according to Fortune.

Read the following top 10 list to find out which company ranked at number one:

10. Boston Consulting Group

The management consulting company offers 100 percent health coverage, unlimited sick days, fully paid sabbaticals and sick days for part-timers. "The white-shoe consulting firm strives to support junior associates, from grad school test prep and essay feedback to average tuition reimbursement of $17,386 per year, the highest on the list," Fortune said.