How financial advisors can add the most value for clients.
Annuities are coming to defined contribution plans, but are they right for every client?
Public retirement systems have made changes since 2007 that have ensured their long-term viability.
Public retirement systems have made changes since 2007 that have ensured their long-term viability, the report said.
William Bengen believes it would take “a catastrophic set of circumstances” before clients had to accept a 3% withdrawal rate.
For the first time in a long time, advisors may soon have to help clients make painful retirement choices.
The next 10 years are likely to be very different from the last 10 years.
The finance industry is arguing that Republican are putting the financial security of U.S. savers in serious jeopardy.
Public pensions have increased their risky asset allocations to more than 66%.
Calpers, the biggest pension fund in the U.S., last reported a negative return in 2009.
Right now monthly core inflation is clearly accelerating.
Investment losses could lead to unfunded liabilities growing to $1.3 trillion, the Reason Foundation said.
Is Bill Bengen's famous rule for safe withdrawal rates still relevant? People disagree.
One advisor says he saves clients up to a million dollars in lifetime taxes by timing conversions.
Is Bill Bengen's famous rule for safe withdrawal rates still relevant? People disagree.
The company said U.S. pension funds would face losses if fund managers are forced to write down their Russian holdings.
Annuities can play a role in different ways during periods of volatility.
You can't always see the action of the play when you're in the audience.
This investment strategy enables advisors to help clients meet personal objectives without chasing returns.
Illinois has made strides in recent years toward shoring up its finances, aided in part by billions in federal aid.