Sahil Kapur

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Ivanka Trump Is Pushing Her $500 Billion Child Care Plan On Hill

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The cost of the plan is a problem for Republican congressional leaders.

Tax-Overhaul Timing Uncertain As House Members Hit Early Hurdles


Opposition has sprung up in the Republican party and with major U.S. employers to parts of Paul Ryan’s preferred plan.

Here's How Trump Could Try To Kill Carried-Interest Tax Break


Some tax law experts say Trump could unilaterally end the so-called “carried interest” loophole.

GOP Readies Swift Obamacare Repeal With No Replacement In Place


Republicans -- and President-elect Donald Trump -- have no agreement on how to replace coverage for about 20 million people.

GOP Wants Trump To Trim ACA Benefits, Say Congress Aides

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Republicans lawmakers are exploring how the Trump administration can quickly trim required benefits and lower costs.

Obamacare Repeal Seen As Tax Cut For Top 1%


But it would be a modest tax hike for some of the lowest earners, a new study found.

Estate Tax Repeal Under Trump Would Benefit President, Cabinet


Abolishing it would save more than $20 billion a year for the millionaires and billionaires the tax applies to.

Push For Quick Medicare Overhaul Worries U.S. Senate Republicans


Some party leaders are wary of sparking a fight over a popular program.

Social Security Politics Turned On Its Head By Clinton, Trump


Their opposition to any benefit cuts in the retirement program have turned deficit-reduction politics upside down.

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