Jerilyn Klein Bier

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Betsy DeVos Could Make It Harder To Afford College


Her track record includes removing student loan protections, says one critic.

More Colleges Invite Students To Apply For Free


More colleges and online application platforms are allowing students to apply for free.

Time To Rehydrate


Liquid alternatives deserve more attention as market risks mount.

Why Tuition-Free College Makes Sense


Among the benefits are higher tax revenues, a more highly skilled workforce and a healthier populace, this expert says.

New Tuition-Free Programs Target In-State College Students


States have been rolling out programs offering free college tuition to state residents, but eligibility rules vary.

Staying Green Despite Politics


Environmental investing should thrive despite the White House’s anti-green agenda.

Advisor Makes Risk Tolerance More Meaningful


Mark Friedenthal’s risk management tool, Tolerisk, is used by roughly 75 RIA and hybrid firms.

Putting RMDs To Work


Ongoing planning lets individuals make the most of required distributions from 401(k)s and IRAs.

Tapping Women Money-Makers


They’re seeking holistic planning and they don’t want to be sold to.

Why The Shortage Of Female Advisors?


A major conference topic will be how to attract more women to the business.

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