Bloomberg News

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Ace To Buy Chubb For $28.3 Billion With Greenberg In Charge


Evan Greenberg extended an acquisition spree at his Ace Ltd. by agreeing to purchase Chubb Corp. for $28.3 billion in cash and stock.

Ace's Grab For Chubb Stokes Insurers' Deal Fever


After the busiest quarter for insurance dealmaking in at least 12 years, the magnitude of Ace's proposed Chubb takeover may spark more M&A activity, industry watchers say.

BNP Paribas Customer Awarded $16.6 Million in Finra Dispute


BNP Paribas was accused of breaching fiduciary, contractual and legal duties, as well as gross negligence and negligent supervision, according to the ruling.

Dude, Where's My Pot ETF?


Pot has been generating lots of buzz, but is it ready for its own exchange-traded fund?

San Francisco Hotels Are Priciest In World After 88% Rate Surge


The average price for a San Francisco hotel room has jumped 88 percent in the past year to $397 a night, according to an index compiled by Bloomberg of the world’s top 100 financial centers.

Trump Once Got Fleeced In Mexico, And He's Still Very Angry


Behind the headlines over Donald Trump’s Mexico-bashing remarks is a legal dispute between the billionaire presidential candidate and two Mexican businessmen.

Gross Gets Personal: 'I Just Wanted To Run Money And Be Famous'


The best investors, Bill Gross says, are “people that are so needy, it’s never enough.”

Wealthy People Still Love Shopping The Old-School Way


Even as shoppers flock to the Internet to get the skinny on everything they want to buy, many wealthy patrons still prefer the traditional method.

Google's Lunar XPrize Sparks $140 Million Race


At least a dozen teams are racing to win Google Inc.’s $20 million prize for getting to the moon—spending up to seven times that amount in the process.

Court’s Marriage Ruling Ends Couples’ Tax, Personal-Finance Confusion


The Supreme Court’s decision to allow same-sex marriage nationwide will remove tax and personal-finance headaches that have bedeviled gay couples.

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