Bloomberg News

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In Houston, Filet Mignon Special Shows Oil Collapse Is 'Blip'


This restaurateur revived a special he offered in the last oil bust, but this time there are far less takers because Houston's economy has changed dramatically.

Morgan Stanley: It's Tough To Beat The S&P 500 And This Is Why


One reason is that the index has a very important structural bias, says a Morgan Stanley team.

Hank Greenberg’s Starr Wins Trial But No Damages In AIG Suit


The U.S. set illegal terms in demanding AIG stock for an $85 billion bailout during the financial crisis, but that doesn’t mean AIG investors deserve compensation, a court ruled.

GoDaddy Founder Makes $5,000 Golf Clubs For Top Of Market


“The people that we are targeting can stroke a $5,000 check and not blink an eye if it will help their game,” GoDaddy founder Bob Parsons said of his high-end golf club company.

Musk's SpaceX To Build High-Speed Test Track


Elon Musk’s SpaceX is sponsoring an open competition, geared toward university students and independent engineering teams, to design and build pods for the Hyperloop, his futuristic transit system.

What Investors Need To Know As Saudi Stocks Open Up To The World


Saudi Arabia is opening one of the world’s most-restricted stock markets to foreigners for the first time on Monday.

What Happens To Stolen Art After A Heist?


All types of art gets stolen, but one thing seems to remain the same for all cases: Once art is stolen, there’s an abysmally small chance of getting it back.

William C. Miller Named Cole Capital CEO After Ezzell Resigns


William C. Miller was appointed president and CEO of Cole Capital, the investment management business of American Realty Capital Properties Inc., the companies said in a statement Friday.

Janet Yellen Isn't Worrying About Your Personal Inflation Rate


The Fed's official inflation rate may bear little resemblance to the one experienced in everyday life

Reclusive Artist's 'Infinity' Room Lures Billionaire Collectors


Billionaire collectors are finding it hard to resist Yayoi Kusama, the 86-year-old Japanese artist who chooses to live in a psychiatric clinic and is famous for her polka-dot creations.

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