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The Winter Wave And The 2021 Rebound


For long-term investors, it is important to be appropriately positioned to take advantage of this recovery.

Ways To Position For The New Infrastructure


The market’s emerging rotation to cyclicals and value stocks is reflecting increasing confidence in industrials.

Remdesivir’s Failure Is A Warning For Covid-19 Vaccines


The FDA will need to evaluate shots more carefully than it did with that pricey Covid-19 treatment.

How 2020 Changed Retirement Planning


Over the last year, there have been multiple law changes that have impacted retirement plans and retirement benefits.

Gold Is A Hedge Against Bad Government Decisions


Most investors think the precious metal protects against faster inflation or a plunge in stocks. Not so.

Big Tech Backlash Means Get Ready for Less Free Stuff


Tech giants may be less inclined to offer the freebies we’ve come to expect now that they are in regulators’ sights.

Diversifying The Talent Pipeline


Diversification efforts increase the number of Black and Hispanic CFP professionals.

The Cost Of Leaving The U.S.


Giving up U.S. citizenship can be complicated and costly for those with any significant amount of wealth.

Post-Election Impact On Trust And Estate Planning


The tools that estate planners recommended before the election remain viable today and beyond.

Driving Economic Growth By Democratizing Renewable Energy Investing


By expanding access to proven investment models in renewable energy, we can take advantage of a valuable opportunity.

Can Marijuana Help Biden Heal A Divided Nation?


Cannabis may help keep hopes for bipartisan unity from going up in smoke.

Why Vaccine’s Impact Should Hit In 2021's Second Quarter


Projecting timetables for widespread distribution of Covid-19 vaccines is rife with uncertainty.

Eight Useful Expressions For Clients And Prospects


You are looking out for your clients’ best interests. These expressions might help make that point.

Can Revamping Your Fee Structure Increase Your Client Base?


Revamping your fee structure could be a relatively simple way to broaden your client base.

Legal Considerations Of Living In A Multi-Generational Home


When clients are considering living in a multigenerational home, there are some issues that need to be discussed.

The 'Netflix' Era Of Financial Advice


It represents the confluence of human and digital advice.

What Wealthy People Don't Worry About


Ten ways to help your wealthy clients.

How To Handle Intellectual Property During Life And After Death


The type of mess surrounding Prince’s estate doesn’t happen just to the rich and famous.

Five Questions To Ask (And Answer) Before You Go Independent


Going independent isn’t for everyone, so fully understand your personal and professional goals before taking the plunge.

How To Ensure A Long-Lasting Legacy


Wealth managers can take these four steps to help ensure their legacy.

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